Our nation was built by immigrants, for immigrants, and for equality. Our founding fathers knew divide would rise, consequentially they also all managed to agree on essential rights every citizen deserves. They wrote a bill, a bill of rights endowed upon us citizens, immigrants or not. They wrote the first amendment giving us all freedom of the press, religion, right to assemble, and to petition the government. Among other amendments either ratified or part of the original bill of rights, they all state a clear message. Trouble may and will arise, but we are all protected under laws, laws that make us all
Our nation was built by immigrants, for immigrants, and for equality. Our founding fathers knew divide would rise, consequentially they also all managed to agree on essential rights every citizen deserves. They wrote a bill, a bill of rights endowed upon us citizens, immigrants or not. They wrote the first amendment giving us all freedom of the press, religion, right to assemble, and to petition the government. Among other amendments either ratified or part of the original bill of rights, they all state a clear message. Trouble may and will arise, but we are all protected under laws, laws that make us all