Through Communication The importance of a good effective supervisor with good communication skills, will prove to be one of the most valuable tools to any business or working environment, the benefits are both measurable and un-measurable. The ability to give clear, complete, concise, consistent, correct and courteous information can only show the follower that you are aware, that their understanding of information is your main focus, and for those on the receiving end of the conversation; you show them your ability to be an attentive and active listener, which gives the indication to the speaker, that what they are saying is important to you as well. When communicating with someone in any setting, it is nice to be able to understand what is being said, and you would hope; that what you have just said, is received as you have expected. In the work environment good communication demands zero mistakes by either party be made when dealing with explicit details or information. As the leader, one will have a constant barrage of information, and diversions, while most of the time they are simultaneously from different sources. Both the speaker and the receiver should be aware of the surrounding distractions that can hinder their communication process, it is so easy to let noises, visual, and even emotional distractions influence someone’s ability to focus on what is being said. When giving directions or requests we should not leave anything to interpretation, and we should always remain clear in our information. It is necessary to have the ability to adjust your communication skills in such a way that; whether you are conversing lateral, upward or downward, you will be able to relate to your hearer in such a way that their defenses or lackadaisical understanding will not be present. We should always use our self assessment ability to be aware of our tone that we portray, because; what we would expect to amuse or even
Through Communication The importance of a good effective supervisor with good communication skills, will prove to be one of the most valuable tools to any business or working environment, the benefits are both measurable and un-measurable. The ability to give clear, complete, concise, consistent, correct and courteous information can only show the follower that you are aware, that their understanding of information is your main focus, and for those on the receiving end of the conversation; you show them your ability to be an attentive and active listener, which gives the indication to the speaker, that what they are saying is important to you as well. When communicating with someone in any setting, it is nice to be able to understand what is being said, and you would hope; that what you have just said, is received as you have expected. In the work environment good communication demands zero mistakes by either party be made when dealing with explicit details or information. As the leader, one will have a constant barrage of information, and diversions, while most of the time they are simultaneously from different sources. Both the speaker and the receiver should be aware of the surrounding distractions that can hinder their communication process, it is so easy to let noises, visual, and even emotional distractions influence someone’s ability to focus on what is being said. When giving directions or requests we should not leave anything to interpretation, and we should always remain clear in our information. It is necessary to have the ability to adjust your communication skills in such a way that; whether you are conversing lateral, upward or downward, you will be able to relate to your hearer in such a way that their defenses or lackadaisical understanding will not be present. We should always use our self assessment ability to be aware of our tone that we portray, because; what we would expect to amuse or even