Gun violence in our country is an immense crisis. Deaths and injuries due to pathetic guns is one of the greatest threats to our friends, family and all Americans. How can anyone in their right minds stand for guns when 30,000 Americans lose their lives to guns every year.
Why should we have to live in fear every time we go to shopping centres, school, the movies, sports arenas and work. We should be able feel safe in our own environment. We should be able to enjoy our great country and not watch our own people suffer, be afraid, …show more content…
Compared to countries such as Australia, that have very strict gun laws the difference in gun related incidents is clearly less.
It is proven that since implementing gun control in Australia gun related deaths have plummeted. Gun control is working so efficiently for other countries, so there is no reason why it wouldn't work for us Americans. Already with the gun free zones in place in some areas of our country the crime prevention research centre found that from 1998-2015, only 3.8 percent of mass shootings occurred in gun free zones and the other 96.2 percent took place where guns were allowed. Isn't this telling us that the laws in-place are beginning to work?
It should not be okay for people to purchase such weapons that can take your family, friends, partners away from you in a matter of seconds. It is disgusting how citizens can easily and legally purchase weapons that are designed to kill people with such speed and efficiency. Hundreds of stores sell guns, from stores like Walmart to family run shops, you can attend gun shows that take place almost every weekend and easily purchase a gun with no background check. This is wrong, criminals, mentally ill, immature, abusive people,could walk right into a gun show, purchase a weapon with no one even realising the damage that could be done. These weapons weren't designed for everyday people but were meant for war. We should definitely not be allowed to advertise and sell killing machines that can destroy our lives