People complain about some ridiculous stuff these days. Their room is a mess or what their mother made for dinner was not good enough for them. If people were to live during the 1500’s they would realize that they should take for granted what they do have instead of complaining about what they could have. Life during the 1500’s, specifically in England, was terrible. The people lived a very dirty lifestyle without everyday necessities which caused diseases very quickly and easily.
Average day people during the 1500’s lived very dirty lifestyles. On the website, Life in the 1500’s, it talks about how they lived and all the problems the people faced. Unless someone was from wealth, their floors would have been made of dirt (Life in the 1500’s). This is where we get the saying “dirt poor.” The roofs of houses were made of thatch (Life in the 1500’s). Because of this, wild rats and mice would live in roofs of houses to keep warm. Rodent droppings would then fall through the roof and land on people’s floors …show more content…
They only ate vegetables because meat was expensive. When the men were able to bring home meat, the family would hang it up in the kitchen to show it off to their guests as a sign of wealth (Life in the 1500’s). The pot they cooked every meal in did not get washed very often. They would cook their meals, and when they are done the left overs would remain in the pot until the next meal. At times the families would be eating week old left overs. Not only would the food eventually go bad, but the pot would get moldy and worms would start to appear. The average people would get what is called trench mouth from the worms and mold on the plates. The richer people would, at times, get lead poisoning from their plates and lead cups (Life in the 1500’s). There was no real way to avoid these diseases due to the fact that they didn’t have the medical knowledge that we do