The University of Jordan
Done by:
Lana Abd AL-Rahem AL-Rewashed.
I wrote this research to shed light on one of the practice field in applied linguistics is the educational linguistic, this field very important to me,because I am student in English language specialization,interested in methodology in teaching English.
_Back ground: linguistic in educational refers to small but growing field of linguistic which advocate a greater use of linguistics curriculum in primary and second education , work in applied in the latter part of 20th century.
When the English language spread all over the world as international language, the need emerged to learn it.
What are the definition of educational linguistics?-
In the 1978s , Spolsky an Emeritus professor of linguistics mainly educational linguistics has published an article (monograph) arguing that language teaching ,learning and education must be included in afield which he called [Educational linguistics]. This name has come as an opposing name for [Applied linguistcs] mainly the applied linguistics which was referred to language teaching and pedagogy.
Additionally,(Crystal,1997,p.163) defines technically educational linguistics as: "A term sometimes used for the linguistic theories methods and descriptive finding to the study of the teaching /learn- ing of a native language ,in both spoken and written forms ,in school or other educational settings ;more broadly to all teaching contexts; also called pedagogical linguistics and sometime language pedagogy.
Specific to topic of interest include the study of reading and writing accent and dialect language variety across the curriculum, and the teaching of linguistics ,grammar, etc ,in school.
What are the type of methodology in teaching English ?-
In the late 1800s and most of 1900s,language teaching
References: -Bell,David. (2003) ,"Method and Postmethod:Are They Really So Incompatible?"TESOL Quarterly 37(2) :315-328 -Spolsky,B.(1978) Educational linguistic: An Introduction. Rowley Masschusetts:New House Published,WC. -Crystal, D.(1997). ADictionary of linguistics and Phonetics(4th ed) Black well: black well Publishing [ Electronic version]. -Alduais,Ahmad.(2012,December).Educational linguistics,its Origin,Definitions and Issues it Account for.International Journal of Educational,( vol .4),( p.207-208 ) -Van Hattum,TON (2006) ,The communicative Approach Rethough. -Luke,Meddings(26 March 2004),"Throw away your text book" The Guardian. Retrieved (22 June 2009 ).