Locations for formations, work call, et cetera are all put out every time a leader disperses a group to meet up at another time or location. Part of succeeding here is situational awareness, attention to detail, and reliance on your battle buddies if you are, say, new to a unit and do not yet know the layout of your garrison. Situational awareness applies in the sense that you're most likely in a formation where you're not to be messing around anyway and need to listen for your guidance from leadership, no matter how many times you've heard them give the same speech about hygiene, chow, and work call at 0930, as you may miss important information pertaining to you. Attention to detail comes into play when being given guidance as sometimes the guidance will be different for your routine after being released from your current location, an example being that late work calls might mean forming up at a different area and while it is often explicitly implied where, sometimes a bit of attention to detail can be used when a location is only implied and not formally …show more content…
Generally you will report to your usual work call in the same uniform you always do but you should be paying attention to ensure nothing has changed about the uniform you are to report in. You will almost always report to PRT in the season-appropriate PT uniform, just like you will almost always report to work call in your ACU. Again attention to detail is critical here as certain days are marked for special dress, be it a random dress uniform inspection, civilian clothing work day, or reporting back in full kit for tactical training. The last two are almost always put out in advance but again, and it can’t be stressed enough, you must pay attention in case you were left out of the loop when the information was disseminated, or it is implied everyone knew ahead of