
The Influence Of Mythology In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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The Influence Of Mythology In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet
Mythology has influenced many stories throughout time, the stories have always had a hidden meaning behind them. A psychological analysis of the archetypal lovers Pyramus and Thisbe and Romeo and Juliet, reveals a cautionary tale about the consequences of poor communication and mistaken assumptions on conclusions, and judgment that limit possibilities still today. The myth of Pyramus and Thisbe is one of the many that has a hidden meaning behind it. Pyramus and Thisbe were young lovers who were forced apart by their families. Growing up side by side they learned to love each other. “They longed to marry but their parents forbade them. Love, however cannot be forbidden”(Hamilton, Edith.). The lovers were separated by a wall that their families …show more content…
Romeo and Juliet is about two young lovers who meet at a costume party. The way the two fell in love could be considered “love at first sight”, they immediately clicked and fell in love. The two were not aware that they are supposed to be enemies because of a family feud. After the ball, Romeo sneaks away from his friends to go and see if he can find Juliet. He ends up outside Juliet's room where he confesses his feelings for her, Although the young lovers did not know each other for long they knew they should marry. Juliet sent her nurse to meet Romeo so that they could discuss the two’s marriage, they went to Friar Lawrence who agreed to marry them. The two get secretly married, however, when Juliet returns home she learns that her father has promised her to another man named Count Paris. While Juliet was learning of this news, Romeo was involved in a brawl which resulted in the death of one of the Capulets. Romeo is then banished from the city, “the young bride seeks out Friar Laurence for assistance in her desperate situation. He gives her a potion that will make her appear to be dead and proposes that she take it and that Romeo rescue her”(). The plan was for Juliet to drink the poison so that she is presumed to be dead and put in a tomb. A letter was supposed to reach Romeo warning him about the plan so that …show more content…
A psychological analysis of the two archetypal lovers shows cautionary tales about the consequences of poor communication, mistaken assumptions, and judgment. Let it be known to future young lovers that these consequences are still relevant to this day and by adjusting them in one way or another it may help keep them from doing unreasonable acts out of love and human nature.

Work cited
Hamilton, Edith. “Mythology Timeless tales of Gods and heroes”. New York: Warner Books, 1942.
“The Love story of Pyramus and Thisbe” Muyri A. English enriched 9 “Pyramus and Thisbe and Romeo and Juliet” -and-Romeo-and-Juliet/

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