Bethany F. Miracle
Liberty University
In this paper, I discussed my personal theory regarding the integration of Christianity and psychology, as it relates to my beliefs, and how the summation of these two components will be reflected in my future counseling practice. I considered several factors that were critical to my personal counseling theory. First, I considered the human personality, such as, individual differences, motivations, and human development. Each person is unique; however, both Christianity and psychology have discovered common threads that are woven throughout the human race, and I believe that information is imperative to the counseling process. Next, I will discuss why and how problems develop. There are a number of reasons problems occur; however, prior to implementing a treatment plan, I must decide if the problem is physical, psychological, or spiritual. Problems can be physical; however, it is my belief that they are most often spiritual and psychological, which require an integrated therapeutic approach. I believe that due to a person’s unhealthy self-talk, they are not able to see themselves as God sees them; therefore, I will discuss the reasons why I believe that psychology, specifically aspects of Cognitive Therapy, must be integrated with the Biblical truths to be effective. Lastly, it is my belief that this work cannot be done without the inner working power of the Holy Spirit in the life of a person. I believe the combination of these components can permanently transform a person from the inside out. Keywords: integration, Cognitive Therapy, self-talk, Christianity, cognitive, behavior, Beck, truth, personality, intervention, Bible
Personal Theory Paper: Future Counseling Theory Paper
Development and Structure of Personality (.5) Hawkins (2010) discusses five components that shape and influence the human personality; he refers to these components that
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