The story “The Interlopers” by saki, is a story about two characters that find themselves in at night in a forest named Georg Znaeym and Ulrich Von Gradwitz both are trying to kill each other because their families have had feuds over the forest both families claiming the land is their own, so both of the characters come face to face to settle the argument. The argument comes to a different outcome as a tree trunk above the two characters falls over them which changes the perspective of the characters in the situation they are in, they become friends …show more content…
This is shown in “The Interlopers” the conflict happens between two men as the men have an argument between a piece of land their families have fought over. In “To Build a Fire” the problem happens between a man that is trying to survive a cold and blistering snow temperature which would be the nature, the man and nature are the conflict as the man is trying to survive and make it through this problem of trying to get to a cabin. The difference between “The Interlopers” and “To Build a fire” is the fact that “The Interlopers” conflict is between two men that are in conflict and in “To build a fire the problem is due to nature and man, as seen in the different events the characters fight against another due to the certain circumstance they are in or put themselves