Colin and Hassan stop at a rest stop, and Hassan has bad breath so he wants to get some toothpaste. Then Colin try’s to tell Hassan the proper term for bad breath, but Hassan does not want to hear it. Colin begins to think about the first time he and Hassan met. It was in tenth grade calculus when Colin asked the teacher to go to the bathroom because his eyelash was stuck in his pupillary sphincter, once he came back Hassan talked to Colin and told him if he kept on saying things like pupillary sphincter then people will think he is weird, and that’s how they became friends. Once they get back on the road Colin keeps on thinking about Katherine, and how he was going to take her to Paris. As they kept driving Hassan wanted …show more content…
Colin thinks that it is pointless, but Hassan said that they got to go somewhere. Before going to the grave they pulled into Hardy’s to grab something to eat. While at Hardy’s they asked the cash register person for instructions, and she tells them that it is in “gutshot”, and the boys were a little suspicious about going to somewhere name “gutshot.” Once they get there they go to a local store and meet this girl who turns out to be the tour guide, and her name is Lindsey Lee Wells. She takes them out back to an area with long grass, and it turns out that Colin is allergic to grass. While they were walking Colin was anagramming and he was doing it so much that he tripped over a molehill and hits his head on a rock. Now Lindsey wants to stop the bleeding since she is a paramedic in training, so she asks Hassan for his shirt to put on Colin’s head, but he refuses, so she ends up using hers, then she runs back to the store for some supplies. Once she leaves Hassan apologizes for not giving him his shirt, because he is self-conscious about his man boobs. Now Hassan helps Colin look for his glasses, and at that moment Colin says “eureka,” and Colin thinks back to when Katherine 19 dumped him on their graduation day. It was after they had just gotten sushi after their graduation, and Katherine said She's sick of him always talking about being a prodigy and how she feels pressured