For a long time a thing such as “the law of attraction” has been around. This idea consists of reaching whatever goals or dreams you might have with just thinking about it. They’re many routs you can follow in order to achieve your desires. Different ways to finally live the life you always dreamed of having. There’re several steps to follow before you start seeing the results, but the way to use it becomes every time more and more effortless and becomes natural to you already because you’re going to make a hobby out of it. Before I read any book or became interested in any of this, my idea of the law of attraction was that you could attract almost anything you wanted into your life with just thinking about having it. For example, if what you really wanted was a book, you could just imagine yourself with the book. Although the idea basically consists of something similar, there is much more to it.
One of my favorite books ever is called “The Secret”. This book taught me mostly everything I know about this certain subject. Although they’re more books about this that I’ve read, “The Secret” has to be my favorite of all. It states its point very clearly and it’s easy to understand. The book basically tries to state the one of the best ways to attract something is by visualizing yourself
Cited: Byrne, John . The Secret. New York: Beyond Words publishing, 2006 Scovel Shinn, Florence. “The Power of the Magic Word”. Mexico D.F: Editorial Group, 1998 Www. the- law- of- attraction- and- action