It is stated in the theory that when the responses that produce a satisfying effect in a particular situation becomes more likely to occur again in the situation but when the response produce discomforting effect it will less likely to occur again. This theory was made when Thorndike was experimenting the reaction of a cat when it is locked in a puzzle box and the only way to open it is the lever that is inside the box. This situation involves not just the location of the cat but also the stimuli just like the hunger or the desire of freedom. When the cat can open the box in the recent trial, the next time it will get inside the box it will recognize and remember the step on how to get away of the box. In this theory Thorndike concluded that once the stimuli and response are associated, the response of the subject is likely to occur even without the stimuli. If the rewards in the experimental stage produces positive effect to the students, the teachers will most likely do it again and have the big possibility that the students will get use to it. In connection to Thorndike’s theory it is possible that when the student was given reward and perform well they will continue to do such without the reward. Further more to that an extrinsic motivation can sometimes be the avenue for the students to develop their …show more content…
The extrinsic reward is the one being given to the students when they have been good in class or they’ve done something that deserve to be praised. One example of extrinsic reward is when you give your student the appropriate material thing that they deserve. Through this reward the students will acquire additional skills and knowledge that soon will be their intrinsic motivation if they continue to do the activities (Mehta, 2014). After showing or giving the student the reward, they will study well. While they were studying they then notice that they were acquiring new knowledge and by the help of the reward they will discover new skills that they never knew they have. Example of this is when the students are given a group activity and the one who perform and act well will be given a reward by their teacher, but unfortunately in their group there is no leader because they are motivated by the reward, one will stand as the leader of the group and in that way one had developed their skills in leadership. After this discovery stage the student will them be motivated intrinsically, a motivation that comes from the inside and is relevant to their own interest.This kind of motivation has a long-lasting effect and generally need his own choice to be developed. The researcher concluded that “It can