The Coach
Leader Member Exchange …show more content…
The Leader-Member Exchange Theory is a method that centers on promoting followers that participate and share similar personalities with their leaders. This approach is beneficial to followers that get along with their leaders and do more than what is asked from them but for followers that don’t fit into this mold it can be difficult. “If followers are not interested in taking on new and different job responsibilities, they become a part of the out-group. Followers in the in-group receive more information, influence, confidence, and concern from their leaders than do out-group followers.” (Northouse, 2016). In, The Blind Side, the coach relates to players that understand his logic. When a player does something improperly, he grabs them and demonstrates what he means. This works with players that follow his sense of logic and are better taught by being shown. This method however doesn’t work with one player, Michael. He grabs him while he talks to him and says, “If you grab him outside like this or that horse collar thing you just did you’re going to get flagged and I’m going to be pissed. Do you hear me? Alright let’s go.” (Johnson, Kosove, Netter, Hancock, 2009, …show more content…
With Michael, the technique that worked best was the Path-Goal Theory. The Path-Goal theory is the leadership method that is fixed on the follower’s motivational necessities or what drives them as a person and finds them the clearest path to achieve their goal. (Northouse, 2016). “It makes the path to the goal clear and easy to travel through coaching and direction, removing obstacles and roadblocks to attaining the goal, and making the work itself more personally satisfying.” (Northouse, 2016). This was the method used by his adopted mother, Leigh Anne Tuohy when she saw his coach’s technique was failing. She used her knowledge of her adopted son to understand that he is not an aggressive person naturally and would only use his size and weight to protect someone. “Participative leader behavior is also effective as he consults with subordinates in setting, clarifying and achieving goals.” (Malik, 2012). Leigh Anne understood that explaining things to Michael in a mechanical way wouldn’t work with him. He needed something direct and easy to follow. She told him, “This team is your family, Michael. You have to protect them from those guys. Okay? Listen. Tony here, is your quarterback, alright? You protect his blind side. You look at him, you think of me, how you have my back, how you have his. Okay?” (Johnson, Kosove, Netter, Hancock, 2009, ). Understanding