Many people believe that a strong leader must inspire those they are leading and make them want to …show more content…
Odysseus is undoubtaly a strong man, seeing that he is a soldier and battle in those day relied a lot on the physical strength. Odysseus strength is known to those around him. Penelope's test for the suitors is to string Odysseus bow. The great bow takes so much strength to string that known of the suitors and manage it and the only one who can is Odysseus. At the end of the epic Odysseus, along with his son and a little help from Athena, fight off all the suitors who have been living at his house for the past twenty years. This is no small feat for two men, and a god. The suitors, although varied in strength and power, were many. Also when Odysseus finally meets Penelope, after twenty years, he talks about how he crafted their bed. This is no small task which also shows how he is one of great