The movie “The Little Rock Nine” is based on an event that happened in the 1950’s. The movie is based on the first time that a school allowed black students into an all white school.This event happened in Little Rock, Arkansas when a school allowed nine black teenagers into their school. In this essay you will read about the respect that the black students got at the beginning of the movie and the respect they got at the end, how society has changed today, how this relates to the Hebrews experience, how this relates to moral values, and my personal experience on this theme. In the movie the nine black students got no respected at all. The students were treated the same as every other black person at this point in time. The black students took abuse and bullying that no other person would be able to take. They got pushed, threatened, excluded from events and even …show more content…
It started one day when she was just heading to class and a group of girls blocked the door to her next class. She asked them politly to move and when they didn't she tried to move in between them, but she got pushed out of the way. That was the start of the incidents. Eventually Minnijean was expelled for dumping a bowl of chili on students head that was blocking her way and refused to move. Minnijean was upset by this because the white people of the community got exactly what they wanted. The next target was Ernest Green. Ernest was targeted next because he was a senior and, if he made it, would be the first black student to graduate from Central High School. The white students and parents did everything they could to prevent him from graduating. One female student even tried to get him to like her so she could say he "harassed" her,but Ernest graduated 1958. These two students are probably the most recognized two of the Little Rock Nine becausse of what happened to