GOD AND PROMISE; Genesis reveals God as “covenant maker.” He is the One who enters into an unconditional covenant with Noah and all mankind, promising that He would never again destroy the earth by flood (Gen 9:8–17).4. Man: Genesis also reveals that man was not created to be a free agent but was responsible to God for his actions. 5. GOD–MAN RELATIONSHIP: Biblical evidence for relationships between God and man is extensive. A most important aspect of that change is that God now enters into personal relationship only with those whom He calls to Himself. 6. SIN/EVIL: What is also clear from Genesis is that sin, in its most basic form, is rebellion against the revealed will of God and is manifested in disobedience to what He has commanded. 7. DIVINE JUDGMENT: in the judgment that God executes on the man and the woman for their disobedience to His command, and on the serpent/evil one for his opposition to God as manifested in his deceiving and tempting of the woman (Gen 3:14–19). These are some of the few themes that have been discussed in the book of …show more content…
This relationship is founded first of all in the plan and purposes of God as revealed in part in the Book of Genesis through God's word of decree in creating man in His own image (Gen 1:26-28), in God's word of promise to Adam in cursing the serpent/evil one (Gen 3:15), and in God's word of promise to Abraham (Gen 12:2-3; 13:14-16; 15:4-5, 13-18; 17:1-8; 22:15 -18). 1. PROMISE AND FULFILLMENT: being fulfilled may not always be complete; it just points out not the degree of fulfillment but the kind of fulfillment. 2. THE REVELATION OF GOD: He revealed Himself in a name which, though not new, takes on new meaning (3:14); He is the originator of the covenant and, with it, the covenant-relationship (19:1-5); He is the redeemer of His people (6:6; 15:13); He is judge of His people (4:14; 20:5; 32: 27-28) and of His foes (chapters 7-12); and He is the transcendent One who, though existing outside of the Creation because He brought it into being by the power of His word (Gen 1), nevertheless dwells (tabernacles) among His elect people (29:45-46; 40:34). 3. REDEMPTION: Book of Exodus presents the mighty acts of God by which He affects the redemption of Israel from bondage in