Anitra Boyle
There are many different types of anxiety disorders which can vary from obsessive compulsive disorder, Post traumatic-stress disorder and the many different types of phobias. Even though there are many different types of anxiety disorders they all are mostly built off the same emotion of anxiety or excessive nervousness. Although we all may feel nervous when put into an uncomfortable position and get nervous or anxious, those with the disorder go through a completely different set of emotions.
Just to touch basis in depth on a few different disorders, here are a few types of anxiety disorders along with what they are and how it affects the person. * Generalized anxiety disorder: this anxiety affects the person by making him/her worry about life in general, with no real reason to be worried. People with this type of anxiety disorder tend to always expect disaster and can’t help but to worry about family, money, work and or school.
* Irritability * Headaches * Nausea * Tiredness * Easily startled * Difficulty concentrating
Medication is known to help people who tend to have a lot of difficulty coping with everyday life. It’s known that most that are medicated for generalized anxiety disorder starts off on a low dosage and then works to be taken completely off. Another form of treatment is cognitive behavioral therapy. Which is the person learns about what types things sparks or triggers the effects of their anxiety. This type of therapy is known to help patients not worry so much. * Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) : This type of anxiety disorder is known to follow someone after they have experienced a traumatic event (sexual assault, unexpected death of loved one, past war experience) People who have this disorder tend to have thoughts or memories of the traumatic event. It is also well known that people with this disorder tend to become “emotionally numb”