Alexis Dillon
I. Introduction
This paper will be discussing the involvement of math in figure skating. There are three parts of skating that will be discussed in the essay; jumps and moves in the field. Jumps require a lot of power, strength and knee bend in order for the jump to be successful. I will be looking at the appropriate angle of knee bend a skater needs to successfully land a jump. Moves in the field are series of test that include certain turns and moves that are tested in front of judges. Moves in the field require grace, knee bend, speed and strength. This essay will discuss the correct angle of the knee bend required to correctly complete specific turns, including counters, rockers and brackets and to successfully remain on the correct edge. I have been skating for nine years. I have done many types of skating, like freestyle, moves in the field and synchronized skating. I’m currently a competitive synchronize skater and working on my novice moves. Both these parts of figure skating require speed, grace, edge quality and strength. Many things can affect how well a skater can preform and the quality of the skating. Knee bend is one of the many crucial parts of quality skating.
II. What Is Skating?
Figure skating is defined as a “competitive on ice sport in prescribed figures and/or choreographed free skating.” Figure skating includes many different types and levels.
III. Basic Skills
To start, many skaters complete basic skills classes, which, in short, teach the basic components of skating, needed to be successful. Children under the age of six usually begin a beginner class called “snowplow”. This level consists of very basic skills including things like learning how to stand up and fall down. After the skater has completed these levels, or is above the age of six, moves on to the levels “Basic Skill” There are eight levels in this section, where each level increases in difficulty. The
Bibliography: Basic skills. (2011). Retrieved November 26, 2013, from United States Figure Skating Association website: Glossary of terms. (2010). Retrieved November 26, 2013, from U.S Figure Sakting website: Junior moves in the field. (2011). Retrieved November 26, 2013, from US Figure Skating Association website: