Strategies are put in place to prevent and manage crisis and disaster, build a corporate brand, develop reputation and to manage stakeholder attitudes as well as engaging employees and keeping stakeholders informed. This comes under corporate communications.
Corporate communications aim to improve how well-informed people feel and build reputation, through internal and external marketing campaigns and activities designed to improve understanding about the MPS, its services and goals which in your case is to make London safer for all the people you serve.
This has been supported by various theorists in the past, the most related being Van Riel who describes corporate communication as ‘an instrument of management by means of which all consciously used forms of internal and external communication are harmonised as effectively and efficiently as possible’. (van Riel, 1995)
Reasons for corporate communication stem from Roper and Fill’s (2012) model, whereby they have divided it into 3 categories, strategic events, development and maintenance. From we have depicted what we feel as the most relevant to your company, these are: * Manage crisis and disaster * Influence stakeholder groups * And keep stakeholders informed, improve interactions and to build and sustain relationships
We’re now going to use the corporate reputation communication/trust model by taken from the Journal of Product & Brand Management to show how the strategic factors affect the overall corporate reputation of the Metropolitan Police Force.
The different channels of communication >
Start by looking at the Media Activities you undertake here in the force. We began by analysing your media strategy by looking at the mediums you use and how it relates to your current stakeholders, although we have touched upon on the previous slide we are going to look at this in more detail
. This would be things such as your Blogs, Social Media as a whole, the Live Web