The Miseducation of the American Public, this article talks about the way education is valued and the way the curriculum is taught all over the world. The article talks about how we could integrate the curriculum and maybe how it could be written, so that everyone would be on one level. In the article, it states “as a consequence, curriculum theory rejects the current “business-minded” school reform, with its emphasis on test scores on standardized examinations, academic analogues to “the bottom line”. It rejects the miseducation of the American public,”. I feel that this statement is saying that what is being taught in the classroom, the curriculum, all the state test that are given, this is not preparing
The Miseducation of the American Public, this article talks about the way education is valued and the way the curriculum is taught all over the world. The article talks about how we could integrate the curriculum and maybe how it could be written, so that everyone would be on one level. In the article, it states “as a consequence, curriculum theory rejects the current “business-minded” school reform, with its emphasis on test scores on standardized examinations, academic analogues to “the bottom line”. It rejects the miseducation of the American public,”. I feel that this statement is saying that what is being taught in the classroom, the curriculum, all the state test that are given, this is not preparing