“Human services are those service industries that are mainly concerned with supplying a product that concerns people 's welfare and wellbeing. They do this predominantly in the areas of social, health and educational care, and include all those agencies that attempt the improvement, amelioration or clarification of human problems, and provide welfare or care services. Examples are many, and include such diverse services as hospitals, educational systems and schools, social work agencies, psychotherapy practices and non-profit making welfare services, to disadvantaged or minority groups” (Dickens, 1996).
Human Services is different services offered to people to meet their basic physical and emotional needs that cannot be met without side inference. The basic human needs are food, shelter, health, and safety. There are social and psychological needs also that most people can get from their family, friends, communities, and faith. When all these needs are not met to society standards human services professional will come in and help restore these needs to the person’s life.
Human Services has goal “teach a man to fish,” which means to help develop certain skills to work within the society norms. The main goal is to help the people and the communities to operate at the maximum potential and overcome the social barriers in the domains of living. In other words, the Human services agency will be able to help support people in their basic needs through different programs. They offer EBT (Food stamps) to people who cannot afford to buy their food. They have a program WIC that is a nutrition program for pregnant women and their children after birth. They offer low-income housing to people who is not able to pay rent and utilities. The Human Service has many program that help support their goals and to help the communities.
Human Services plays an unlimited role in the American history, which could help change laws and
Bibliography: Dickens, P. (1996). Human services as service industries. The Service Industries Journal, 82. Retrieved 2012, from http://linksource.ebsco.com/linking.aspx?genre=article&issn=02642069&volume=16&issue=1&date=1996-01- U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. (n.d.). Historical Highlights. Retrieved from HHS.gov: http://www.hhs.gov/about/hhshist.html .