Holly McCracken
May 19, 2013
The Need for Employee Training
Businesses are constantly changing to keep up with the demand of the consumer. Investing in employee training is one way that management can invest in their future, and also ensure future success within the company. Training will promote employee productivity and engagement. As businesses grow and evolve to meet customer demands employees sometimes suffer due to the inability of the employer to properly train them. Although the costs may be more in the beginning it can actually increase a company’s revenue in the end.
Successful training will focus on changing an employee’s attitude by developing their skills. The training team will be successful if they tie the training into the goals of the organization. “Many organizations have already shifted their thinking about the training function. They have seen for themselves that training is where skills are developed, attitudes are changed, ideas evolve and the organization is reinvented” (Daniels, S. 2003).
The Need for Employee Training
The negative effects of not training employees is far greater than taking the time to train an employee. Employees who do not receive proper training have a higher risk of injury due to the lack of knowledge they have on their job functions. These employees also perform on a lower level due to being unsure of their role and how to do their job. “The company will experience declining sales if dissatisfied customers choose competitors who can provide quality products and appropriate service” (Amo 2013). These employees end up costing the company much more money, due to their lack of knowledge, than if they were given training that provided them with the skills they needed to be successful in their position. “Untrained employees cannot produce high-quality products” (Amo 2013). Employees who have the ability to perform well have a much higher
References: Daniels, S. (2003). Employee training: A strategic approach to better return on investment. The Journal of Business Strategy, 24(5), 39-42. Retrieved from Heathfield, S Rosso, A. (2011). The Secret is Training: The difference between disconnected and highly engaged employees is often the quality of ongoing training they receive. Collector (0010082X), 77(3), 20-23.