Is there a limit?” (Dobson, 2011, p.70). The question is one I have never thought about, and I find the answer “yes” that Dr. Dobson gives interesting. He says if the tears are genuine then they are okay to fall and will last for about five minutes. Crying that last longer is complaining and an expression of protest (Dobson, 2011). I have witnessed this protest crying from my youngest son, who was the strong-willed child. I did not know what was happening at the time; it seemed the more I wanted to find out why, the more he cried. I finally gave up, he eventually stopped after I left him alone, and I never questioned his crying again. For children not to become spoiled they must be taught what is right from wrong and there must be discipline. When parents discipline their children, they are preparing them to make the right choices in life. In the Bible, it says, “Whoever spares the rod hates their children, but the one who loves their children is careful to discipline them” (Proverbs 13:24
Is there a limit?” (Dobson, 2011, p.70). The question is one I have never thought about, and I find the answer “yes” that Dr. Dobson gives interesting. He says if the tears are genuine then they are okay to fall and will last for about five minutes. Crying that last longer is complaining and an expression of protest (Dobson, 2011). I have witnessed this protest crying from my youngest son, who was the strong-willed child. I did not know what was happening at the time; it seemed the more I wanted to find out why, the more he cried. I finally gave up, he eventually stopped after I left him alone, and I never questioned his crying again. For children not to become spoiled they must be taught what is right from wrong and there must be discipline. When parents discipline their children, they are preparing them to make the right choices in life. In the Bible, it says, “Whoever spares the rod hates their children, but the one who loves their children is careful to discipline them” (Proverbs 13:24