I. TITLE: The New Plant Manager II. POINT OF VIEW:
As a Manager
How can the company even without Toby Butterfield meet its budget and productivity quotas?
1. To understand why organizational behavior is important in an organization.
2. To know the appropriate attitude of a manager in an organization.
3. To analyze organization behavior from the perspective of learning of an organization.
1. The Organizational Behavior
Organizational behavior speaks about how an individual or a group of people acts within an organization. As a plant manager he must consider how to act professionally. He must know how to act the proper organization behavior even though he is the head of the plant.
2. The Newly Assigned Assistant Plant Manager
The Montclair Company is having difficulty meeting its budget & production quotas, the main reason why Toby Butterfield was promoted as the new assistant plant manager of the company.
3. The SWOT Analysis
SWOT analysis is a structured planning method used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.
• Strengths- Butterfield as a new assistant plant supervisor produced a remarkable result in the company’s production quotas in which the productivity quickly exceeded by 7 percent and within five months the plant was within budget.
• Weaknesses- Butterfield being ambitious and power-oriented wherein he dismissed three supervisors who had failed to meet their production quotas and as a result five other supervisors resigned.
• Opportunities- Promotion to New York home office because of his outstanding record.
• Threats- The fall of productivity after Butterfield left the Houston Plant.
1. The remaining employees should plan for what is the best thing to do in order to meet its budget and productivity quotas.
• They can come