With all the calamities Odysseus had to face, the last thing he wanted to do was kill off dozens of suitors. Being the proud and cunning person Odysseus is he killed off the suitors to be with his wife, Penelope, and son, Telemachus. This event really portrayed Odysseus’ devotion to family and his devotion to his kingdom. It also displayed that through all the misfortune Odysseus went through, was still physically and emotionally strong enough to fight off the dozens of suitors that invaded his home and tried to marry his wife. A similar event happened to Ulysses Everett. Everett and his companions observed a lynch mob ceremony and they noticed that their other companion, Tommy, was going to get executed because of the lynch mob’s cruel and racist practices. By using his wits and physical strength, Everett ran into the mob and interrupted their ritual. Everett knew he had to avenge his friend, just as Odysseus avenged Penelope and…
I think that if Telemachus was a good leader and took care of the suitors, Odysseus wouldn’t make his dining hall into a bloodbath. But because he didn’t take care of the suitor problem, Penelope was bribed by suitors to marry them. And maids of Odysseus slept with other suitors. The suitors who died from Odysseus deserved to die from Odysseus because not only did they try to marry Penelope they also planned to kill Odysseus and Telemachus as well. And for the maids, they also deserved to die because they were not loyal to not only penelope but Odysseus as well, because they were with the idea of suitors killing odysseus.…
First off, Odysseus was a very brave person. Even though and underdog, Odysseus never backed down. His first act of bravery was his ability to face the mighty Trojan army. He was selected to join the war and refused. So the Greeks put his baby Telemachus in front of a plow. He quickly stopped it and accepted the challenge being the brave person he was.” But the ‘draft board’ was smarter than Odysseus. They threw his baby Telemachus in front of his oncoming plow.”(David Adams Leeming 643) Another act of bravery on Odysseus’ part, was taunting the massive Cyclops Polyphemus. ”O Cyclops! Would you feast on my companions? Puny, am I, in a caveman’s hands? How do you like the beating that we gave you, you damned cannibal?”(Homer 476) The last act of Odysseus’ bravery was his willingness to go to the underworld. There Odysseus met Thebes. Thebes requested that Odysseus let him taste blood. Odysseus, the brave man that he was, cut himself to please Thebes. “At this I stepped aside, and in the scabbard let the long sword ring home to the pommel silver as he bent down to taste the somber blood.”(Homer 615)…
Odysseus revolts against them due to the trouble Penelope faced all these years . Odysseus forewarns the…
When Odysseus finally arrived back from his travels he found out about the wooers, otherwise known as suitors, harassing Penelope. These men could care less about having Penelope’s hand in marriage, all they wanted was to take Odysseus' place. Odysseus was very angry and severely punished the wooers. Not only did he punish the wooers, but he also punished people who did not need to be punished. He saw a problem and had every right to take care of it. Odysseus did justify his actions but the punishment seemed to be a little harsh.…
Odysseus’ wife, Penélopȇ, weeps every single day. When Penélopȇ expresses, “If he returned, if he were here to care for me, / I might be happily renowned! / But grief instead heaven sent me – years of pain” (19.151-3), she is conveying that she is in disorder because Odysseus is missing. Without Odysseus, his entire oikos crumbles merely because of the fact that he is the head of his household. He should be keeping it organized. This includes being with Penélopȇ to keep her content. Instead, he is absent from his duties as the head of the house. Odysseus’ household is in ruins without him. The suitors that exploit the fact that Odysseus is missing merely make the situation worse. They are able to live contently, especially when they take advantage of Odysseus’ servants in his absence. His servants become, “the suitors’ harlots” (22.483). The servants essentially betray him when they have sex with the suitors in his absence. The servants’ loyalty is required for an oikos to be considered organized. With their betrayal, the oikos is further ruined and put in disarray. Chaos for Odysseus and his household is only resolved when he kills the suitors as well as his treacherous servants. These events signify that chaos is no longer present for Odysseus. Only calm and peace remain for him. Vice-versa is also true in reference to the suitors. The tranquility in their lives disappears because chaos symbolized by their deaths replaces it. Since Odysseus is the Homeric hero, it is only right for him to end up as the party that lives…
Odysseus had whoever connected hung which they could have died much worse. The people who were connected could have died like Antinous who was shot in the neck. The people involved should have been punished worse. They knew that the suitors were going to kill Telemachus so they could get to Penelope easier.…
When Odysseus offers Zeus a prized Lamb’s thighbones, he refuses them, and Odysseus realizes his mistake. He states that “Zeus disdained my offering, destruction for my ships he had in store and death for those who sailed them.” He wanted absolutely nothing to do with him, which told Odysseus that he would have no guidance or protection from him; they would have to take the journey on alone. It was then that Odysseus knew that the voyage home would be difficult, and that he would have to prove himself by adhering to the god’s advice. The fact that Odysseus does not have Zeus on his side is extremely important, it means that Odysseus would have to prove himself by acting with restraint, the men’s lives depended on it. When Odysseus had a chance to return home with the remaining crew, he was still inclined to disobey the gods thinking that he could fight his way out of his destiny, something for which Circe berated him, saying, “Must you have battle in your heart forever? The bloody toil of combat? ...will you not yield to the immortal gods?” Odysseus is a fighter, and believes that he is above all, which shows that he still will not “yield”, or admit he’s not equally great. This trait is the root of the issues that arise in the epic tale, and causes the gods to be filled with disdain towards him. It is also the cause of the men’s demise, because of his arrogance, he ruins his chances of…
Penelope’s cunningness, and loyalty in the epic depicts her as an ideal woman, showcasing her crucial role as a motivational guide for Odysseus and his journey back home. Starting with Penelope’s intelligence and cleverness. Penelope’s cunningness and intelligence is shown throughout the situation with her suitors. For instance, the quote, “Thereafter in the daytime she would weave at her great loom, but in the night she would have torches set by, and undo it. So for three years she was a secret in her design,” (2.104-106), shows the reader how Penelope is able to plan a strategy to delay choosing from one of her suitors to marry.…
Even though to Eumaeus Odysseus was only a beggar, he still treated him the best he could. Even after Odysseus tested his hospitality, he continued to host him. When Odysseus told Eumaeus that he was going to go to the palace, Eumaeus warned him about the suitors, and tried to protect him. Even though Eumaeus couldn't give him riches and gold like the Phaeacians, he genuinely cared about Odysseus.…
Odysseus’s main flaw was hubris, or his excessive pride. His hubris was revealed when he taunted Polyphemus after escaping the island. Odysseus’s yells of triumph gave the monster a final chance to kill the crew with a boulder, which he nearly did. More importantly, though, was the fact that the hero stated his name to the beast, allowing Polyphemus to pray to his father, Poseidon, to make Odysseus’s journey as treacherous as possible. In contrast, Penelope was never illustrated as flawed. While she was deeply saddened by Odysseus’s absence, this never directly resulted to any misfortune. This demonstrates yet again that Penelope simply was not developed as a heroine in the way that Odysseus was a…
His need to win Kleos gets in the way, and puts his and his men’s lives at risk (Sparknotes editors). When they entered the Cyclops cave, he refused to leave when his men asked him. He wanted to be known for meeting and fighting a Cyclops. By staying he lost the lives of 6 men and risked the possibility of being eaten alive. After attacking the Cyclops his pride gets in the way when he informs Polyphemus the name of his attacker, which led to Poseidon thwarting his every move to get home. Penelope was deceived into thinking her husband was loyal and had spent many years suffering trying to get home. Instead Odysseus is unfaithful and is even offered marriage. He stayed with Circe many months and only left until his men asked him to leave. “What possesses you to stay here? Its time you thought of Ithica” (Homer, 137). He might be self-controlled, but his curiosity brings him trouble sometimes. His ego and arrogance was the root of his problems. He would refuse to be wrong and was full of himself. (Abbit. M, Malek. K.)…
Odysseus is astute and witty, as well as furiously faithful to his family and home. All through the book, Odysseus was totally centered around having a go at returning home to Ithaka and Penelope. His steadfastness to his family and to his kin is the thing that kept him experiencing the tough times. Nothing is more critical to an epic saint than honor and pride. Odysseus unmistakably demonstrates that he is faithful much of the time. One occasion was the point at which Odysseus' men fell prey to the Lotus Eaters. I says, “Then I sent out two picked men and a…
While Odysseus is an epic hero there are a few things about him that are not so heroic; such as his loyalty to his wife. He enjoys a luxurious life with Calypso all while Penelope, his wife, fights off suitors in order to remain loyal to Odysseus. While he does want to return home, he also admits that not even his wife can compare to Calypso.…
In the poem, The Odyssey, by Homer, 3 strong character traits of Odysseus, the main character, are demonstrated. Homer makes all of these traits very clear, they can be qualified as good or bad traits. Homer displays these traits constantly but in different ways. In other words, his weakness hurt him but his quick thinking would help him. Odysseus’ arrogant attitude could either be considered a good trait or a bad trait. Odysseus, the main character of The Odyssey by Homer demonstrates weak leadership, quick thinking, and an arrogant attitude throughout his journey.…