• Form 8LSN75
JUNE 2007
Taking the June 2007 Test Under Simulated LSAT Conditions
One important way to prepare for the LSAT is to simulate the day of the test by taking a practice test under actual time constraints. Taking a practice test under timed conditions helps you to estimate the amount of time you can afford to spend on each question in a section and to determine the question types on which you may need additional practice. Since the LSAT is a timed test, it is important to use your allotted time wisely. During the test, you may work only on the section designated by the test supervisor. You cannot devote extra time to a difficult section and make up that time on a section you find easier. In pacing yourself, and checking your answers, you should think of each section of the test as a separate minitest. Be sure that you answer every question on the test. When you do not know the correct answer to a question, first eliminate the responses that you know are incorrect, then make your best guess among the remaining choices. Do not be afraid to guess as there is no penalty for incorrect answers. When you take the practice test that follows, abide by all the requirements specified in the directions and keep strictly within the specified time limits. Work without a rest period. When you take an actual test you will have only a short break—usually 10–15 minutes—after SECTION III. When taken under conditions as much like actual testing conditions as possible (see Day of the Test, at http://www.LSAC.org/JD/LSAT/day-of-test.asp), the practice test provides very useful preparation for taking the LSAT. Official directions for the four multiple-choice sections and the writing sample are included in this practice test so that you can approximate actual testing conditions as you practice. To take the test:
Set a timer for 35