delight of Omelas would wither and be destroyed” (“Omelas”). The Omelas believe that the misery of the one child is for the greater good of the town; however, some children saw the captive were appalled, but did nothing to help the child.
This behavior contradicts Mill’s “golden rule,” “To do as one would be done by, and to love one’s neighbour as oneself, constitute the ideal perfection of utilitarian morality” (“Utilitarianism” 417). By not treating the child how they expect to be treated in return, the utilitarian utopia is not a true utopia; likewise, the short story does not comply to Peter Singer’s idea of “marginal utility,” or “the level at which, by giving more, [a person] would cause as much suffering to [the person] or… dependents as [the person] would relieve by [the] gift” (“Famine, Affluence, and Morality” 241). Singer’s idea of marginal utility is briefly described as give as much happiness as to not cause yourself and dependents misery. This idea is not recognized in the Omelas society, where the people deprave the child and cause the child to be, as Ursula Le Guin describes “feeble-minded…so thin there are no calves to its legs… lives on a half-bowl of corn meal and grease a
day. It is naked. Its buttocks and thighs are a mass of festered sores, as it sits in its own excrement continually” (“Omelas”). The child is not able to feel happiness since the happiness of the town relies on the child’s misery. While the town is an example of Utilitarianism in effect, the town represents more the ideals of Mill’s “Utilitarianism,” rather than Singer’s “Famine, Affluence, and Morality.”