
The Ottawa Charter: Inequality In Canada

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STD. ID: 3330731
The Ottawa Charter which was being approved by some researchers, makers of policies and practitioners came together in Canada to make a way for the countries in the WHO EURO region to pursue the Declaration of Alma Ata’s vision of “Health for All by the Year 2000” (WHO, 2011). 3 papers were cited as reminder for the Charter: the Lalonde report (1974), the Alma Ata Declaration and the optimistic meaning of health in preambles of WHO constitution (1946). The WHO constitution suggested an optimistic definition of health for the very first time as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity” (1946). However,
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Difference in health between individuals and population groups exist in all societies. For example younger age population generally have good health compared to elder population. This kind of health difference cannot be concluded as health inequality because it is natural. So the question is that when the difference in health becomes inequality? According to Graham the difference in health between population groups becomes inequality when it is linked to the inequalities in their position in society (2007). World Health Organisation appointed Committee for the Social Determinates of Health (CSDH) also hold similar view as not all health inequalities are unjust or inequitable. If good health were simply unattainable, this would be unfortunate but not unjust. Where inequalities in health are avoidable, yet are not avoided, they are inequitable (2008). So the differences in health between groups having unequal position in society become an ethical …show more content…

A Programme for Action. Online: Jan. 2015.
Department of Health (2004) Choosing Health: Making Healthier Choices Easier. Public Health White Paper. London: DH.
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Fraun, B. (2008). Planning and Evaluation of Community-based health promotion, (edn.). Oxford: The New Public Health, Oxford University press: 203-04.
Graham, H. (2004) Social determinants and their unequal distribution Milbank; 82(1):101-24.
Hills, M. & McQueen, D. V. (2007). At issue: Two decades of the Ottawa Charter. Promotion & Education; 14 (suppl 2):5.
Kawachi, D. K., Coutts, A. S., Subramanian, V. (2004). Commentary: reconciling the three accounts of social capital. Int. J. Epidemiol, 33: 682–690
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