
The Positive Collective Memory Of George Washington

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Integral elements of a society, such as collective identity, values, and institutions are shaped by the people’s consciousness of the past. The past itself is made up of different components, such as myths and narratives. Overtime, the myths and narratives are selectively distorted through telling and retelling. Ultimately, these chosen stories are accepted, becoming embedded in a community as collective memory. When these narratives reach the hands of political elites, the anecdotes are sliced and diced to fit and advance their political agenda. Then, it becomes historical memory, where the myths can instill importance (that may not necessarily belong) on certain historical figures or events for political purposes (Class notes 10/13). …show more content…

Even the United States’ most treasured political leader, George Washington, has been the subject of memory through the many narratives recorded about him. Let’s be honest, we do not have concrete evidence of the man’s character. All we have are portrayals documented by writers and artists. Yet, we regard him so highly. It is due to historical memory that the nation possesses this exceptionally positive collective memory of Washington. Many elites, like biographers and orators made sure that material they cover about Washington reflected the public taste. For instance, narratives emphasized his patriotic achievements, public virtue and his determination to win the war (Schwartz, 223). The particular narrative of George Washington that many remember is “The Cherry Tree”. George’s story starts with him receiving a hatchet. He was so enthusiastic that he chopped everything, including his father’s favorite cherry tree. After his father found out, George confessed to the chopping, claiming that he cannot tell a lie. This narrative highlights Washington’s sense of integrity, feeding his sacred image of one who cannot do wrong. The manipulation of his image as a great hero became understood as the undisputed collective memory. Presently, political figures continue to turn to George Washington as a model or standard that a leader should aspire to be (Class notes 10/20). Without a doubt, …show more content…

To struggle and even to die in order to avenge Kosovo became the common goal of generations. The roots of this fierce are found in Serbian literature written not long after the battle itself” (Emmert, 62). Here, we understand the strong collective memory associated with the loss of Kosovo and the desire of redemption by reclaiming the territory. Individuals involved in the battle who perished were described as martyrs through the eulogies and sermons written by religious figures portraying Lazar as “God’s favored servant” (Emmert, 62). With that in mind, the historical memory aspect of Prince Lazard’s martyrdom paired with the collective memory of avenging Kosovo for the Serbs fuel the present-day political elite agenda of claiming Kosovo as Serbian territory. Without a doubt, the use of collective memory and historical memory can defend a nation’s political

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