“Beauty and the Beat” originally was written in 1740 by french writer Madame Gabrielle de Villeneuve known as “La belle et bete”(Hollywood). Within the story the the main character uses transformation to have beauty overcome evil. This theme tends to repeat itself throughout the story. Transformation is a thorough or dramatic change in form or appearance, referring to an individual who is able to change body parts between two forms, as well as alter the mental and emotional state. The main theme of the story would be transformation; however, it does take some time throughout the story to see where the transformation has taken place. Due to transformation occurring in many forms,it can be hard to recognize the exact moment …show more content…
that it takes place in the story.
To begin the fairy tale with a family who lives in a mansion with three daughters, and a rich merchant father. Beauty is the youngest daughter. While beauty spend her days reading books, the other two sisters are our partying with their friends all day. The two eldest daughters are stuck up and selfish and treat Beauty as if she was a servant. Suddenly the family begins lose all of their wealth and possessions, they are devastated. With this being said they are forced to live in a small farm house and work for the living. At this point in the story transformations are already occurring. When the two eldest sisters began to hang out with rich friends their attitudes got worse. The both of them were selfish and believed to think just because of their friendship it made them better than everyone else and especially Belle.
As the story goes on, the older sisters spend most of their days complaining about how much they miss their old life, while beauty continues to take on the chores and show the great attitude. Transformed from party girls too lazy loungers, the eldest sisters do nothing but sit around and complain all day. While Beauty on the other hand has been transformed from a quite knowledgeable sister who keeps to herself, to a heroic sister who takes care of the entire family without ever complaining.
Throughout the story you see Beauty taking care of her father and or cleaning the house. Compared to the other siblings she is the most responsible. With her selflessness that is about the most crucial transformation in this fairy tale. With the strength to change her attitude and step up shows a mutual or individuals strength. With this smooth transformation it makes it easy for the readers to see her role change from a quite kept to herself reader, to a hard-working, and responsible daughter and sister. Beauty is more of a role model to her eldest sibling than they are to her.
Moving along, something came up and the father has to leave. When the daughters found this out, they were begging him for the priceless items. All Beauty wanted was a rose. During this part in the story a huge transformation comes up. While traveling he began to get caught up in a snowstorm and became lost. Bringing him to the court yard entrance of a huge castle he then decides to go find someone to ask for some help. This is where the transition occurs because while the father was traveling it was summer yet, when the father became lost, he was trapped in the middle of a snowstorm. “The passing seasons play an integral part of the story, often contrasting with the season in the Beast’s garden” (Heiner).
While the father was taken to the castle this is where the reader gets drawn in. The transformations in the story makes readers pay attention more to the story. This is also interesting because it is showing that the unexpected is happening, this is not normal.
As the story continues, it gets better. The traveler enters the castle with no one there to greet him. Without a single person to be found, he fell asleep. When the father woke up he is left with a meal prepared just for him. Once he scarfed down the meal, he rested once again. The process just continued to repeat. Eat and sleep, eat and sleep. As the time continues to go on, still there is no one to be found. Deciding to take a risk to head home, he collects his horse and noticed that there were rose branches. This was the perfect opportunity to bring Beauty her rose. Once the traveler cut the rose off of the branch, the Beast had suddenly appeared and began to shout at him. With the transformation of the castle is when it turns from a peaceful abandoned castle to a place that houses a beast.
The beast is meant to be feared, in the encounter, the beast had demanded that the father is to bring him one of his daughters or else he was going to be found and killed. When the father began his journey home. As we have seen before how selfless Beauty is , she immediately offers to go to the beast. This point is where the reader can begin to see the transformation start with the beast. He is not as selfish as the family thought. With this thought, it will make the transformation later on a little more visible and convincing.
As Beauty spends her days and nights in the castle, as she explores it physically transforms. As the castle continues to transform, its like beauty is being rewarded for her selfless actions. When she wishes for something to appear it does, right in front of her. The lesson that the beast’s character gives off is that no matter how you portray things whether it's good or bad it can always change.
Interesting enough it seems that in this story, everything likes to come in threes. There are three sisters. The castle has been transformed three times add the beast has also transformed three times. As time goes on Beauty begun to worry about her father and thought she needed to go visit him. The writer has beliefs that are shown that children need to take care of their elders is apparent.
When Beauty had asked to go visit her father, the beast agreed to let her go, but told her she must return in two weeks. The beast told her that as she was falling asleep, that she is to think of her father and she will then be transported to her father's house. For the beast the transformation is present with his character. He went from keeping her locked up to allowing her to leave and return later on.
As the story starts to make its wrap, we find out that the Beauty had returned late to the castle, only left to find the beast half dead in the garden. Beauty tries to wake him up and at that moment she realizes the love she has for him, the beast. After the he continuously was asking her to marry him, she finally had agreed and at that moment one of the most important transformations occurred.
A prince you say. Who knew it was even possible, the big bad, but then kind and selfless beast transformed into a handsome prince when Beauty had finally agreed to marry him. With this transformation, the audience is shown that love can have more power than anything, as it did in this case. This transformation shows that beauty has learned about herself and can face her fears and listen to her heart. The beast on the other hand has learned to overcome his initial weaknesses and can now accept them. Throughout the story, even though the rewards are not obvious at the moment it still ties in magical things of the story.
To conclude the story Beauty and the Beast get married in the end, and at the ceremony the same character that had turned the prince into a beast turned the two selfish sistres into a stone to show them to overcome their petty ways.
When the two sisters got transformed into stone, it showed that karma is always apparent and that evil never wins. In Beauty and the Beast it shows that transformation is used as a moral and social indicator, as well as people are always changing, and change is inevitable. Even with tough times, there is always light at the end of the tunnel. The main and most obvious theme of the story is transformation, and it shows that all choices are going to have some sort of consequence no matter what it is, so just choose wisely.
Beauty and the Beast is unique and uses transformation as the theme, in a way different from any other fairy tale ever made. No matter the age, young or old, the story makes the theme easy for all readers to understand and comprehend. The timelessness of the theme has made Beauty and the Beast a classic, and not for the happily ever after ending. Through the use of transformation the story comes together. Beauty and the Beast brings all elements of the story together to form a tale that will be enjoyed for many years to