Title: The problem of high staff turnover in a small Thai design company
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Executive Summary
Box Exhibit Co., Ltd. is a small design company in Thailand. The company provides their clients a design service in a number of types such as corporate identity design, exhibition design, concert design and other types of design. The company has many clients and it seems relatively successful. However, It has been experiencing a problem of high staff turnover for approximately ten years since the company opened. Although there are only seven or eight staff in the company, there are staff resigning and there are new staff recruiting every year. This is considered to be a problem of lack of motivation. To analyse the problem, Herzberg’s (1959) Hygiene and Motivation Factors Theory is used because the problem is a motivation issue. After the analysis, several causes of the problem are discovered: policies and administrative practices, salary and benefits, supervision, recognition and, growth or advancement. Some of possible solution to each causes of the problem are suggested. For example, Setting up clearer policy and administration, paying for overtime and providing more benefits, providing recognition and rewards, and developing new organisation structure. This report recommends that the optimal solution to the problem is to develop new organisation structure. It suggests that the company’s structure, which are absolutely flat, should be restructured in order to eliminate the problem of supervision, communication and advancement opportunity.
Page 1. Introduction 2. The Problem and Background 1 1
2.1 The Problem ……………………………………………………………………..1 2.2 About The Company……………………………………………………………..1 2.3 The Reason Of Exploring The Problem………………………………………….2 3. Analysis Of The Problem 2
3.1 The Hygiene Factors……………………………………………………………..2 3.2 The Motivation
References: 2 3.1.1 Working condition According to Herzberg’s (1959) theory, working condition means the physical conditions of work