Nothing produced more distress than to see the crowded immigrant neighborhoods of America cities. One of the solutions was to create settlement houses like the Hull House, which opened in Chicago in 1889. Jane Addams and a group of women using capital from there family, bought a house in the middle of an immigrant area in Chicago, they move in and started to run classes on educating people, childcare, cultural activities, hygiene and also the ways of western civilization which means musical and literary education. Jane Addams was set out to civilize the immigrant workers and the immigrant workers came and took away from what they wanted rather than what the progressives wanted them to take away. This is an example of “ The Free Vacation House,” a fiction written by Anzia Yezierska. She expresses the detailed struggle against patriarchy, poverty and restrictive Jewish practice; the striving for acceptance, independence and prosperity in the new …show more content…
As a young kid, Roosevelt suffered from asthma, yet he was determined to live an active life. From marksmanship, horseback riding, tennis, to boxing and hunting. Roosevelt also obtained heroic exploits with the ruff riders during the Spanish American War; Teddy Roosevelt had proven that he was the popular leader. Teddy was the model of the 20th century president as he was very engaged in both domestic and foreign policy and set the political agenda for the whole country. Roosevelt outlined many progressive reforms to American public and gave his plan a name, The Square Deal. When Roosevelt assumed office, over 80% of American businesses were own by trust, Roosevelt took action and filed over 400 suits such as the beef industry, standard oil, The American tobacco company and many other