spaces. The animals are grown and raised in unsanitary and unhygienic conditions. With the animals being in unsanitary and unhygienic conditions, it can help contribute with the production of pollution. Factory farms contribute to the production of pollution.
With the animal's waste and excrement it can cause damage to the environment in the form of water and air contamination. When manure is repeated over applied to farm lands it produces a bad amount of phosphorus and nitrogen in the water, which can destroy aquatic life. The farms release hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, and methane into the air, making it polluted. Around 80 percent of the ammonia in the U.S. comes from factory farms. Factory farms create low quality meat, which lead to the factor of the meat being cheap. The farms inject antibiotics into the animals, making them more prone to diseases. This leads to the factor that eggs and meat not being that good. The foods the animals are fed, are injected with high fats and additives to make the animals fat quickly. The additives can transfer to the meat, making the people who eat the meat fat. One reason people might agree with factory farming is because it is inexpensive. Since factory farming has began, the prices of food has dropped. Why? Because food is being processed and produced faster. Factory farming is great for cheap meat, but factory farm meat has additives in them that can cause cancer,and makes kids fat. The farms also cause pollution, which is hurting our
environment. Factory farming is cruel, they do not care for animals, they produce a large amount of pollution, creates cheap meat because of the low quality meat due to the additives in the food they’re fed. The farms make treat the animals cruelly by making a large group of animals stay together in a small space. They let off pollution by releasing 41 million metric tons of Co2 per year. They produce cheap meat due to the low quality the are producing. Would you rather have your meat from a factory farm and have all the chemicals in the meat that you are eating?