Americans are not wrong for buying factory farmed food. Factory farmed food is not wrong because, if buying factory farmed food is what certain people like it is not wrong for them to buy it, other people can not judge people on what they like to eat. However if you think buying factory farmed food is wrong than you have probably already done something about it and is a vegan. For all factory farms to be shut down everyone would have to go vegan and not eat meat from these factory farms or they would have to be made illegal if they were doing something wrong in the laws eyes. …show more content…
Singer states that “If we are not willing to inflict that degree of pain on a newborn baby, then it is morally wrong to inflict an equivalent degree of pain on a nonhuman animal”(Class notes, Module 07, Pg 7). Singer means that if we would not slap a baby why slap a animal and so on. So why do something to an animal if we would not do it to a human. Singer also makes another good point, “that we ought not to cause nonhuman animals to suffer if we would balk about causing humans that same degree of suffering if instituted, would force us to make radical changes changes in our diets, in our use of animals for experimentation and so forth”(Class notes, Module 07, Pg 7). Singer's point shows that if we did stop buying factory farmed food, Americans that do eat the food would have to make a completely different change in their appetite like going