Women, in regarding to hookups, are treated differently from men. For example, men are praise for their “masculinity” when it comes to the number of how many girls or women they had have sex with. Yet, on the other hand, if women were to do the same things as men were too they are more often to experience a double standard when …show more content…
Also consider for those heterosexual relationship most can be controlling, abusive, or have greedy institutions that take up time and resources for women. In another way, hooking up is like a method of negotiating conflicting gender roles, career ambitions and sexual desires.
In the movie, The Hunting Ground, I can somewhat see how it is related to this article as not only is women is treated unfair in regarding to gender inequality in sexuality but that in term of being ignore by their own universities when young women are “raped” by men is also unfair for them. Like what Gerson says, hooking up has it many different forms or definitions on how both side see it to be, but that does mean that women are the one that initiate such action in any given