They should also cause no intentional harm to their patient. Withdrawal of life support is questioned ethically in some cases due to the withholding of meals. Choosing to withhold feedings is hard for any comatose patient but especially hard with pediatric patients. Some may view this as a form of torture because the patient will begin to starve and therefore suffer more. In many occurrences, doctors will carry out pain management therapies to ease the discomfort of the patient to ensure that there is no suffering. Personally, I do not believe in withholding feedings from a patient of any age after withdrawal from life-sustaining measures. I think it is cruel and a form of torture to let someone starve to death. I also think that would fall under the category of intentional harm, therefore violating the code of
They should also cause no intentional harm to their patient. Withdrawal of life support is questioned ethically in some cases due to the withholding of meals. Choosing to withhold feedings is hard for any comatose patient but especially hard with pediatric patients. Some may view this as a form of torture because the patient will begin to starve and therefore suffer more. In many occurrences, doctors will carry out pain management therapies to ease the discomfort of the patient to ensure that there is no suffering. Personally, I do not believe in withholding feedings from a patient of any age after withdrawal from life-sustaining measures. I think it is cruel and a form of torture to let someone starve to death. I also think that would fall under the category of intentional harm, therefore violating the code of