First of all, college is a chance to meet different people. When you're in an unfamiliar place, you can gain confidence and learn brand-new things. Also, college gives you a chance to be more active in clubs and to create your own schedule. Being in a larger school can assist you with finding a closer friendship circle. …show more content…
Continuing education is great if you want to have a career. You can prove to be more qualified and usually, people who have a college education receive steady security and are more organized when it comes to planning. According to, "As more people continue education, the competition for higher paying stable jobs will increase. Experience combined with education demonstrates to employers your motivation and drive to succeed."
Although college is important, not everybody needs to go to college. According to The College Fix, "Nearly 64 percent of jobs don't require college education." It's just not necessary. Besides, you can get a job without all the expenses and debt that college requires. Some people even fall into loans, and are still trying to pay them back. Although, if you wish for that extra money or money isn't important to you, college is an excellent choice.
To sum it all up, college education is valuable and important. You are able to experience various things, have an increase in job options, continue education, and earn more money. It's also a chance to be free in the adult world without your parents watching your every move. All in all, college isn't only about the education and money, but the experience in learning valuable life skills as well. In short, we should assist students to think and help prepare them for what college is