
The Pursuit Of Virtue In Nicomachean Ethics By Aristotle

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The Pursuit Of Virtue In Nicomachean Ethics By Aristotle
According to Aristotle, in order to pursue virtue we must learn to both feel and act correctly. Being a virtuous person entails being affected by pleasure and pain. In book II of “Nicomachean Ethics”, Aristotle begins by explaining how virtuous actions are acquired by habit. He writes, “Rather, we are by nature able to acquire them, and we are completed through habit” (Aristotle 18). Essentially, Aristotle is saying that we acquire habits as we acquire skills. Virtues are acquired through habituation and do not arise in us once we are born. To acquire virtue, one will have to have already been acting virtuously in order to make it a habit. In this quote, it is stating that through nature, we can receive and perfect these virtues. The way in which to make virtue a habit is to perform virtuous actions from a young age. In book II, Aristotle begins by stating how virtue is acquired and that there are two sorts. The first kind of virtue is character. Aristotle …show more content…
He states, “Hence, these friendships as well [as the friends] are coincidental, since the beloved is loved not insofar as he is who he is, but insofar as her provides some good or pleasure” (Aristotle 121). Aristotle acknowledges that pleasure and pain are involved every activity we do. Therefore, we need to be cautious about following or avoiding pleasure or pain. This relates to the importance of pleasure and pain because a friendship based on pleasure is normally short lived. It is purely based on looks and wit. One’s pleasures are apt to change over time. Aristotle says that we should establish which activities are good and which are bad. In finding these differences, we will eventually find doing the right thing is pleasurable and see how temporary things like certain friendships are wrong. By exercising these skills, we will learn to both feel and act

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