Joining JROTC is something I never thought I would have done growing up. I found my inspiration in becoming a JROTC cadet when I was in the 9th grade. It became more interesting when I started leaning the history of my family being in the military. I learned that before I was born my father fought in the military 13yrs. He fought in many wars but the most famous one I know is Desert Storm. Being in the military is an intrest for me because I have always wanted to help people and to be a leader. Jrotc helped me to grow into a special. I can proudly say that I am a leader and I motivate young people to be better citizens.
The only reason I join jrotc was because I wanted to see what it was about and because there was no other classes that I was interested in or that helped me to become a dentist like I planned when I graduate. When I first started high school I did not want to join jrotc and I hated it because I always told myself I never wanted to wear that lame unifom. There was nothing interesting to me in this program. The more I became involved in the program, I learned that I could do just about anything I wanted to from going to summer camp, meeting new people, winning multiple awards and even being successful in graduating and going into the navy like I planned.
I found the jrotc to be very stressing at times, but the more I participated the more I found myself becoming a new person and earning rank. I am proud to say that I am the daughter of an army veteran and that im inspired to follow in his foot steps make him and my mother proud of to say that, “ Yes, that is my daughter and we are her parents.” Making my parents proud and having them say that; I am their daughter and being proud of me is something that I think jrotc can help me accomplish. The reason I enrolled in jrotc, was because I want to make something of myself and make the people around proud