There are some significant challenges in managing the workplace in changing business environment. The workplace environment becomes more complex in which the complexity of interactions, relationships and processes often makes difficult to understand. In the organization, managers are required to be effective in organizing, decisive, and maintain good relationship with employees (Kimball 1997). In this report, the practice of empowerment is analysed as the new management enforce the capacity of employees to make choices and decisions into actions. However, there are situations where employees feel uncomfortable with the change in management. Mostly, people do not accept and understand the benefits in changing the management. Organization needs to consider the internal and external factors in implementing a new strategic management. It is important to develop strategy to help employees learning about the change. Managers are also required to develop good communication within its employees since people may come from different cultural background, skills, age, and gender (Holden 2001). These differences will create barriers in communication based on different values and perceptions. The effective management of workplace in organization requires an understanding of leadership and motivation in managing the workplace on performing the job and being motivated to do so. This report analyses the issues and problems to the empowerment practice in the case of the Regency Grand Hotel to understand and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the management within the organization. It also identifies the internal and external factors that affecting the organization towards the complexity and changing situations.
2. Outlining the problem and issues in the Regency Grand Hotel
Empowerment is a concept which is commonly used in management in various organizations. According to Ongori (2009), employee empowerment have benefited many organizations through
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