This study elaborates on the process of research methodology which was designed for collecting the scientific data to justify the effects of Chinese social media on Chinese market. It designed by graphically describing of the hypotheses relations from the research question. The positivism of research was then mentioned. Next it provided particular processes of research design, sampling, data collection, scales and questionnaire design on justification of hypotheses. This study concluded in the ethical consideration in using this research methodology.
2. Research Question
Following the objective of justifying the effects of Chinese social media on Chinese market, there are some research questions that were considered in this study:
1. What is the role of Chinese social media in Chinese market development?
2. What is the relationship between Chinese social media and Chinese consumer and how does it affect Chinese consumer behaviour?
3. What kinds of strategy are companies used when they use Chinese social media to promote their products or services?
3. Research Philosophies
Through the research questions, some hypotheses can be listed at here:
1. Chinese social media can help a company building brand name.
2. Company can use Chinese social media as a tool to increase their online sales.
3. Chinese social media can help companies to perfect their services.
4. Chinese social media can affect Chinese customer choices.
5. Chinese social media can be convenient for customers communicating their experiences and thinking on products.
6. Chinese social media can help company to attract potential customer.
7. Company can be associated with their fans through Chinese social media,
For the objectives to scientifically justify these hypotheses, an appropriate research methodology can provide scientific and systematic data though the processes of research methodology.
A good research methodology can easily find the evidences to help
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