Peter John Sandiford
(Research Student)
Department of Hotel and Tourism Management
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel: Hong Kong (852) 2766 6356 Fax: Hong Kong (852) 2362 9362
John Ap
(Associate Professor)
Department of Hotel and Tourism Management
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel: Hong Kong (852) 2766 6348 Fax: Hong Kong (852) 2362 9362
Full Citation: Sandiford, P.J. and Ap, J. (1998) The role of ethnographic techniques in tourism planning, Journal of Travel Research, 37(1), 3-11.
This paper discusses ethnography and its application as a tool for tourism planning. It is suggested that different methodologies can complement each other in complex planning situations, and that ethnography offers advantages at particular stages of the planning process. Furthermore, planners can better understand planning issues by using ethnographic techniques.
There has been a growing realisation, in recent years, that planning for tourism development is necessary if perceived benefits are to be maximised and problems avoided (Pearce 1989:244). Most tourism planning approaches and models, such as those identified by Gunn (1994), Inskeep (1990) and Getz (1986) incorporate a survey or research phase which provide the basis for plan formulation. The nature and extent of the research conducted is likely to vary from project to project and, in many circumstances, may not be very in depth due to resource or time constraints. Many of the resultant tourism plans, however, appear to have had rather limited success. Choy (1991), for instance, pointed out particular weaknesses in a selection of Pacific island tourism plans, mentioning failure to include social, cultural and environmental concerns in some plans and the lack of a ‘helpful body of
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