For such reasons, the World Bank, in common with other development agencies, has become increasingly interested over the past decade in the work of non-profit organizations. The World Bank usually speaks of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) by which it means NPOs and community-based organizations (CBOs) that are (i) entirely or largely independent of government; (ii) not operated for profit; and (iii) exist to serve humanitarian, social or cultural interests, either of their memberships or of society as a whole. (World Bank, 1996)
The proportion of Bank-financed projects, which involve NGOs in one role or another, has increased steeply in recent years. While there were examples of such involvement in the 1970s, collaboration really only began to grow significantly in the 1980s, especially in the social and rural sectors. Most of this engagement was with NGOs
References: lark, J (1991) Democratizing Development: the Role of Voluntary Organizations. Kumarian Press, West Hartford, CT, USA Clark, J (1993) The State and the Voluntary Sector Malena, C (1995) Working with NGOs: a Practical Guide to Operational Collaboration between the World Bank and NGOs. World Bank, USA Salamon, L and H World Bank (1989), Operational Directive 14.70: Involving NGOs in Bank-supported Activities. World Bank, USA World Bank (1991), Operational Directive 4.01: Environmental World Bank (1992), Governance and Development. World Bank, USA World Bank (1994a), Final Report of the Participatory Development Learning Group World Bank (1994b), Governance: the World Bank 's Experience. World Bank, USA World Bank (1995), Prohibition of Political Activities in the Bank 's Work: Legal Opinion of the Bank 's General Counsel to the Board of Executive Directors World Bank (1996),NGOs and the Bank: incorporating FY1995 Progress Report on Cooperation between the World Bank and NGOs. NGO Unit, World Bank, USA World Bank (1997), Handbook of Good Practices for Laws Relating to NGOs: Discussion Draft World Bank (1997-9), Annual Progress Reports on Cooperation between the World Bank and NGOs. NGO Unit, World Bank, USA World Bank (1998a), The Bank 's Relations with NGOs: Issues and Directions (paper discussed by the Board of Executive Directors) World Bank (1998b), NGOs in Bank-supported Projects: and Operations Evaluation Department Review. World Bank, USA Wuthrow, R ((1994) Sharing the Journey