The intended proposal will be directed towards black male semi-professional footballers’’ experiences of racism. Although improving in the professional game, Semi-professionally it becomes hard for organisations such as ‘Kick It Out’ to act and note incidents within games, even the media spotlight on the semi-professional game is slim to none, Sky television can now identify actions through video replays. If racism is evident still in the professional games, then unquestionably is apparent in the lower levels of the football ladder.
Academic explanations of the relationship between ‘race’ and English football have tended to focus on the elite echelons of the professional …show more content…
game. ‘Initial academic inquiry emerged in the late 1970s and 1980s and featured a strong emphasis on identifying and explaining the incidence of overt forms of racist abuse targeting black players’ (Cashmore 1982). The intended proposal will be directed towards black male semi-professional footballers’ experiences of racism. Although improving in the professional game, Semi-professionally it becomes hard for organisations such as ‘Kick It Out’ to act and note incidents within games, even the media spotlight on the semi-professional game is slim to none, Sky television can now identify actions through video replays. If racism is evident still in the professional games, then unquestionably it is apparent in the lower levels of the football ladder.
Academic explanations of the relationship between ‘race’ and English football have tended to focus on the elite echelons of the professional game. ‘Initial academic inquiry emerged in the late 1970s and 1980s and featured a strong emphasis on identifying and explaining the incidence of overt forms of racist abuse targeting black players’ (Cashmore 1982).
The aims and objectives of this study are to understand the experiences of black semi-professional footballers’ with racism. Lusted (2009) claims that sport continues to play a prominent role in debates around the inclusion and exclusion of minority groups in Britain. Despite its legacy of racist chanting and abuse in the professional game, English soccer is now increasingly promoted by the British government and the English Football Association (FA) as having a central role to play in challenging racism and increasing the involvement of ethnic minorities in British civic society. It is critical to attack the virus of discrimination from race in football due to the UK now becoming a multi-cultural society. It is hard to believe that racism still exists in the game today with stadiums having CCTV, the media reporting everything that happens within the game and also with the BBC and Sky broadcasting football games to millions of viewers each week, however recent affairs have led to professional footballers being prosecuted for having being found guilty of racially abusing other professionals.
Chelsea captain John Terry was recently taken to criminal court by fellow professional Anton Ferdinand and was found not guilty. However the F.A fined Terry £200,000 and was given a 4-match ban. For any young black aspiring footballers they have now been made to think that racism is still rife in the professional game.
The interview questions will involve topics on John Terry and Luis Suarez to get a view of what a black male semi-professional footballer feels about the situations aroused.
The projected research questions that I want to prepare are:
1. Have you ever been asked to play out of position due to the manager identifying a superior physical talent i.e. strength or height?
2. If a black semi-professional footballer experienced racism within football, would it affect their performance?
3. Have organizations such as Kick It Out and show racism the red card been a success in reducing racism in football?
From these questions along with the interviews from my black team-mates at Squires Gate, enough information will be available for me to project on my dissertation.
With the media spotlight on todays’ professional football game so ferocious, no player can get away with any type of wrong doing on the ball or off the ball and if they did, an outburst would occur due to pressure from the media towards the Football Association, a good example is ‘Luis Suarez (Liverpool) was formally charged with racially abusing Patrice Evra (Manchester Untied) by the F.A in November 2011.’ Hayes and Burdsey (2013)
It is noted by Winant (2009) that ‘today the race concept is more problematic than ever before’.
In order to conduct my research I will undertake 5 qualitative semi-structured interviews with my black male teammates for Squires Gate Football Club who are a semi-professional football team in the northwest counties football league.
The age range of all players is from 18-42. In order to interview each teammate I will conduct at least an hour long consultation with each of them in the comfort of their own homes as every player lives within 20 miles of myself I would drive to each individual interview it is important for me to not rush to each interview to reduce the risk of any accident on the roads. For the interviews I will need only a pen and pad, along with a voice recorder to record all information extracted from the questions delivered to play over again to critically analyze. ‘Qualitative research seeks to understand the meaning of an experience to the participants in a specific setting’ (Thomas et al., 2005, p.346). This will be to understand not only if racism is still evident in football but to see if footballers feel as though action needs to happen. Kumar (2008) states that this type of research aims at discovering the underlying motives and desires, using in depth interviews for the purpose. In light of the evidence i will receive from each interview, it will be interesting to hear a variety of experiences within my team-mates to have an understanding of what they have or haven 't gone through but know that it does exist.
From the 5 interviews I will receive …show more content…
less data but a lot more detail when analyzing black male semi-pro experiences of racism. If I used a questionnaire, they could simply deny about if they have or haven 't ever experienced racism, whereas by sitting down with the friends I know and asking them personal questions about racism I feel I could get a lot more knowledge to work with for my dissertation.
5 interviews will give me enough validity and data to aid me in searching for the answer to my proposal, however there are limitations of such a small sample being conducted, Boyce and Neale (2006) state limitations such as bias, time consumption, appropriately trained to interview and not generalizable i.e random sampling is not evident.
I will ask a number of questions that have been prepared prior to the interviews for them to answer and counter-act with another question in relation to their replies in order to get the best possible information to explore.
The findings from each interview will allow the recorded data to be critically evaluated whenever necessary to identify from black male semi-professional footballers themselves whether or not action needs to be taken within the modern game but more importantly in the popular semi-professional game.
The qualitative interviews will allow for my research to have an increased validity due to the study being so particular, Golafshani (2003) states when quantitative researchers speak of research validity and reliability, they are usually referring to a research that is credible while the credibility of a qualitative research depends on the ability and effort of the researcher.
I will have no problem accessing my 5 teammates from Squires Gate because I can ring each one of them at times easiest for both myself and my teammates and will schedule the interviews around both my university work and part-time job, and with each interview being no more than one hour thirty minuets long I can do all consultations quickly and efficiently.
Synchronous communication can range from telephone use to face-to-face meetings for the interview Opdenakker (2006). For this proposal I have stated that the preference I have chosen would be face-to-face semi-structured interviews. The advantage of using this method according to Opdenakker (2006) are social cues such as voice, intonation, body language etc. of the interviewee can give the interviewer a lot of extra information that can be added to the verbal answer of the interviewee on a question. Opdenakker continues to state that the ‘answer of the interviewee is more spontaneous, without an extended reflection.
Disadvantages of the preferred interview technique are that me as the questioner must concentrate on both the questions being delivered and those being responded. The biggest disadvantage of interviewing face-to-face is the time it would take to translate the information received, Bryman (2001) suggests that one hour of tape takes five to six hours to transcribe.
In order to interview my team-mates it is vital that planning and preparation of the questions is analyzed before the meetings taking place, It is crucial to know what questions I want to ask them that can not only help answer my research questions but then to overall help with understanding racism in semi-professional football and if action needs to take place.
Here are some basic topics that I plan on asking:
1. Tell me about playing semi-professional football?
2. As a black male semi-professional football player, how would you define racism?
3. Can you give me an example of ever experiencing racism in football?
4. (If yes to 3 What was your initial reaction towards it?
5. In a footballing environment have you ever been discriminated by or witnessed racism?
6. (If yes to 5) Tell me about how you addressed the situation? Did you ignore it? Or keep playing?
7. Do you feel as though racism in football at semi-professional level needs to be addressed?
8. Sprinter Carl Lewis has once claimed that ‘Blacks - physically in many cases - are made better’, have you ever addressed this stereotype and used it to your advantage during a
9. Have organizations such as Kick It Out and show racism the red card been a success in reducing racism in football?
10. Have you ever been asked to play out of position due to the manager identifying a superior physical talent i.e. strength or height?
Consent Form
My interviews would not go ahead without the permission of all of my teammates from Squires Gate, so for the proposal it is compulsory to include a written consent form that all candidates must sign for. Weppner (1977) informs that the consent form must specify that the subject may withdraw from the research project at any time. What’s important here to note to my teammates in the form is that they will have up to 6 weeks to withdraw due to the possibility of my dissertation being endangered from one less interview when it is 5 that I have proposed.
Consent Form For Semi-Structured Qualitative Research- Black Male semi-professional footballers’ experiences of racism
Due to the nature of the proposal, the research maybe include potentially sensitive information being extracted from yourself
My name is Zac Thomas, and I am a third-year student at Edge Hill University studying BA(hons) Sports Studies. In April of your third year you are required to submit a dissertation. This is my own original research that I have worked on with a dissertation supervisor. I would like to do my dissertation on black male semi-professional footballers’ experiences of racism. I would like to select you as a potential subject to interview about your personal experiences if any, within your semi-professional career and lifestyle.
My research will include an overall total of 5 black semi-professional players being interviewed from October to January. I would like to record each interview with a tape so I can listen back to the discussions noted about racism in football and examine the structure of the conversation in more detail; you will be completely anonymous throughout my research. I will also take notes while I am in the interview for my own personal benefit. I will give you a number of questions to answer to which I will require your full honestly when delivering your answers.
You will have the right to withdraw from the study at any time for up to six weeks when signed, this is so it does not potentially harm my final dissertation in March of next year.
All information extracted by myself from you will be stored safely and securely hidden, and then when my final dissertation proposal is delivered, your information and recordings given will be disposed safely and effectively in accordance with the Data Protection Act (1998). If at any point during the interview you find any part upsetting, recording will be stopped and I will ask you after a couple of minuets if you want to continue with the interview, you can be referred to counselling if necessary. Even at this time, you can still withdraw from the study.
If you have any questions about the consent form or study do not hesitate to contact me.
Consent Form For Manager of Squires Gate in order to conduct semi-structured qualitative research on black male semi-professional footballers’ experiences of racism
In order for me to undergo my dissertation I will need the permission of you as manager of Squires Gate football club in order to interview your black male semi-professional footballers’. As required in my final year of university it is compulsory to design a dissertation of your choice, I have chosen the topic of black male semi-professional footballers experiences of racism. I have also chosen your club Squires Gate as my basis for research; I am hoping to work within the club to select 5 black male footballers’ whom I require in order to complete my interviews with. The interview will include a select number of questions being answered by your player while being recorded on tape. In accordance with the Data Protection Act all the information post dissertation will be disposed of safely and effectively.
If you have any questions about the consent form or study do not hesitate to contact me.
Informed Consent Form- Players
Study title: What are black male semi-pro footballers’ experiences of racism?
Name of Researcher: Zac Thomas Type of research: Interview
Please tick () all boxes and date and sign where indicated below:
A. I confirm that I have read and understood the information sheet for the above study and understand what is expected of me
B. I confirm that I have been given the opportunity to ask questions regarding the study and, if asked, my questions were answered to my full satisfaction
C. I understand that my participation is voluntary. I also understand that I may withdraw at any time without giving a reason for my withdrawal and without penalty
D. I understand that my identity will not be disclosed to anyone and no one at my football club will be made party to any personal contribution that I make to this study. I also agree that any written record of my contribution will be anonymised by use of a false name
E. I give my consent to the audio-taping of the interviews
Your name (PRINT): _____________ Date: _________ Sign: __________________
Researcher’s name (PRINT): _______ Date: _________ Sign: _________________
Data Protection Act
I understand that data collected about me during my participation in this study will be stored in accordance with the Data Protection Act and that any files containing information about me will be made anonymous.
Signature: X ____________________________ Date: _______
Informed Consent Form- Manager
Study title: What are black male semi-pro footballers’ experiences of racism?
Name of Researcher: Zac Thomas Type of research: Interview
Please tick () all boxes and date and sign where indicated below:
A. I confirm that I have read and understood the information sheet for the above study and understand what is expected of me
B. I confirm that I give permission of the researcher to interview my players over the course of the dissertation
C. I understand that my participation is voluntary. I also understand that this decision is final once signed
D. I understand that my identity will not be disclosed to anyone and no one at my football club will be made party to any personal contribution that I make to this study. I also agree that any written record of my contribution will be anonymised by use of a false name
E. I give my consent to the audio-taping of my players
Your name (PRINT): _____________ Date: _________ Sign: __________________
Researcher’s name (PRINT): _______ Date: _________ Sign: _________________
Data Protection Act
I understand that data collected about me during my participation in this study will be stored in accordance with the Data Protection Act and that any files containing information about me will be made anonymous.
Signature: X ____________________________ Date: __________
In order to structure my research it is important to have a timetable of when and what I plan to achieve within certain weeks, study and extensive research from books, journal articles etc will be on-going from 8/10/12:
29/10/12 – Ethics proposal returned
29/10/12- planning a realistic timetable in lectures SPT 3200
5/11/12- First interview with teammate from Squires Gate (Subject 1)- Based in Chorley, already know subjects address.
12/11/12- Second interview with teammate from Squires Gate (Subject 2)- Again based in Chorley and know the address of the subject.
15/11/12- Meeting with Dissertation supervisor to talk about first couple of interviews that have taken place, understand concept and how to translate voice records to typed work for my study etc.
26/11/12 -Third Interview with teammate from Squires Gate (Subject 3)- Currently unknown where subject 3 lives hence the reason to leave this until a later date
10/12/12- Fourth Interview with teammate from Squires Gate (Subject 4)- Similar to subject 3, left it at a later date in order to find out address.
13/12/12- Meeting with Dissertation supervisor to discuss third and fourth interviews and other relevant issues regarding the dissertation prior to the Christmas break.
17/12/12- Fifth and final Interview with teammate from Squires Gate (Subject 5)- Lives in Preston so left this subject as last, also I feel this could be my most detailed interview to analyze over the Christmas break.
With such a sensitive topic being delivered there comes with many ethical issue that need to be put into perspective. Racial abuse is something that not just athletes but also society has had to deal with for centuries. Individuals who have suffered this type of abuse have been scarred for life and it is something that they have to live with. Seale et al (2004) claims that we are obliged to protect the participants’ identity, places and that location of the research. In order to fulfill this I wont be using my subjects real name I shall be giving each one of my teammates a different alias to conceal identification.
It is vital to explain through the consent form but also by telephone the consequences of having the interviews, but because I know them though football, some for as long as five years, I am sure they will trust my judgment and also the nature of the questions being delivered.
The study will be confidential to myself only and I will have all the information about each subject stored on my laptop, which requires a password to access. Prior to each interview I will ask my teammates one last time if I have their consent to record all of the information to be given to me through written notes and the voice recorder. If they refuse that is fine I will need to find another subject to interview but I will always have to give them the choice before to each meeting through an information sheet. The Data Protection Act (1998) clearly states that unlawful obtaining etc of personal data:
(1)A person must not knowingly or recklessly, without the consent of the data controller—
(a) Obtain or disclose personal data or the information contained in personal data, or
(b) Procure the disclosure to another person of the information contained in personal data.
Therefore it is vital that any information extracted form my dissertation is disposed of effectively with no possibly of the information being leaked.
Asking my teammates are they still ok to partake in the interview is a compulsory question I must ask prior to the meeting beginning, there must also be a completed consent form as well as an ethics checklist so that they know that my study is transparent so that I will be hiding no sensitive information.
Whilst giving the interview it is possible for one of my teammates break down due to the sensitive nature of the topic, its possible they can refuse any more questions, and opt out of the study altogether with no penalty. If this becomes the case, I can offer them to seek advice through contacting local counseling services, though I feel this is a highly unlikely scenario it is still a possibility I need to consider.
Other factors that I must consider include driving to my teammates houses during the winter. Driving during wet or icy conditions is extremely dangerous in the winter season so a formal assessment to check whether it is safe to travel must be done. If it is not possible to travel on that day, then it is critical to schedule a new date for the interview that best suits both parties.
Ethics Clearance Checklist
Zac Thomas What are black male semi-pro footballers’ experiences of racism?
Section A: Investigators
Will physically invasive procedures (not covered by generic protocols) are likely to be used during the course of the research?
Is the investigator in a position of direct authority with regard to participants (e.g. sports coaches using his/her athletes in training)?
Section B: Participants
Will participants be knowingly recruited from one or more of the following vulnerable groups: a) individuals under 18 or over 65, b) with mental illness, c) pregnant women, d) other vulnerable groups (specify)?
If yes, will participants be chaperoned by more than one investigator at all times?
If yes, will at least one investigator of the same sex as the participant(s) be present throughout the investigation?
Section C: Methodology/Procedures
Does your methodology
- involve taking bodily samples?
- involve procedures which are likely to cause physical, psychological, social or emotional distress to participants?
- challenge physically or psychologically in any way (includes any study involving physical exercise)?
- involve collection of body secretions by invasive methods
- expose participants to risks or distress greater than those encountered in their normal lifestyle
- prescribe intake of compounds additional to daily diet or other dietary manipulation/supplementation
- involve the use of hazardous materials
Section D: Observation/Recording
Does the study involve observation and/or recording of participants?
Will those being observed and/or recorded be informed that the observation and/or recording will take place?
Section E: Consent
Has informed consent being sought from the appropriate individuals/organisations?
Does the ICF provide sufficiently explanatory information on
- procedures?
- risks and discomforts?/ advantages & disadvatages
- hazards?
- participants’ rights?
- storage of data?
- confidentiality?
Ethical approval
Y / N
Tutor’s Name: Melanie Lang
Date: 19/12/12
Tutor’s Signature:
If a shaded area has been selected in any of the above questions, supplementary information should be submitted to the Departmental Ethics Committee.
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Seale, C. (ed.) Researching Society and Culture. London: Sage. P11-15
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