Role of the Teacher in the Pre-teaching Phase:
It comprises the activity of planning teaching- learning process. Planning is a simplification of a complex process which has the following specific activities:
(i) Analyzing the content.
(ii) Deciding on the position of the content to be selected for instruction.
(iii) Deciding on instructional objectives for the chosen content on the basis of the knowledge about
(a) Lend of students
(b) Their socio-cultural context
(c) Time available.
(iv) To study different learning experiences that arc suitable for achieving the set objectives
(v) To decide on the best alternative from a repertoire of learning experiences and deciding the best sequencing of these, to bring about pre-specified learning.
(vi) Deciding the method of evaluating learning and the specific item of evaluation.
Role of a Teacher in the Teaching Phase:
A teacher also plays the role of a manager during the instructional/teaching-learning process. We may examine the following situations:
(i) To sense that students are becoming bored, a teacher decides to stop teaching.
(ii) To realize that a student has not understood a point fully, a teacher decides to simplify the explanation with more examples.
(iii) To make a lesson more interesting, a teacher decides to narrate a related story.
(iv) As students start making too much noise and could not be managed by a teacher. He/She decides to