When it became isolated from other Christian states, when it became unable to maintain its trade, when it depleted its environment (all of the above)…
The Turks carried Islam to new regions, including northern India and Anatolia; played an increasingly important role in the heartland of an established Islamic civilization, as the Seljuk Turks became the de facto power behind the Abbasid caliphate in the Middle East; and carved important…
Military conquest was one of the primary reasons why Islam spread so quickly. The Document C “Spread of Islam” map shows that between 622 and 750, the Islamic world expanded to Saragossa in the north and as far as Kabul to the east. On the map, there are arrows traveling in many directions. These arrows represent military campaigns. It seems that wherever these arrows go, the land is almost always converted into Islamic territory, therefore, the army’s operations prove to be successful. The significant amount of land claimed shows that the Islamic troops are a force to be reckoned with. According to the Document F al-Baladhuri excerpt, “Hereclius gathered [a] large Byzantine army … numbering about 200,000...By Allah’s help, some 70,000 of them…
The Sassanid Empire served as the revival of the Persian Empire from 244-651 C.E., Persian traditions had endured during this time period and kinships as well as Zoroastrian religion were part of their everyday life. Bedouin or nomadic societies inhabited the Arabian Peninsula as well, with a culture based on goat and camel herding. However, life styles and interactions changed with the introduction of Islam in the Post Classical period. In the 7th century Islam began a series of conquest and conversions, making their potential to become the first truly global civilization unstoppable. Once the Muslim raids began in India in 711 C.E. Islam’s influence changed the Hindu way of life and cultural unity between these and other civilizations began. The introduction of Islam to the Middle East and India from 622-1450 C.E. brought cultural, political, and economic continuities and changes to these societies. Cultural and economic continuities included architecture and the growth of a strong trading system; however, there were changes in political systems from kinships and Persian influence to religious based kingdoms and rulers.…
Mustafa Kemal’s impact on the modern Turkish state is irrefutable, so much so that he was given the name Atatürk by the national assembly, meaning “father of the Turks”, banning anyone else from using this name. Turkey, one of the few culturally Islamic nations without a Sharia legal system , is often referred to as one of the most modernized states with a Muslim majority . Atatürk is often attributed with the modernization of Turkey, through, amongst other things, social, political and economic reform. Kemalism, the founding ideology of the republic of Turkey, was a series of extensive programs of reform aimed at modernizing Turkey through six pillars, referred to as the six arrows of Kemalism, namely nationalism, republicanism, secularism,…
Religion is one of the pillars of society. It can be used to rule the common with fair and just practice or it can be used for a rulers own self-improvement and greed. Many times over the course of world history religion is misconstrued and leads individuals to believe self-interrupted version of its holy text. Two of the most prominent religions in world history Islam and Christianity were used to empower those in high authority. This point is made clear with the documents discussed, and show readers that religion is nothing more than tool for the intellect to take advantage of the common masses of society.…
Islam is a constantly spreading religion embraced by many. It was inspired in 610 CE, when a man named Muhammad went to a cave in Mount Hira to pray. It was claimed that there, an angel named Gabriel told Muhammad of a one true god named Allah. This inspired Muhammad to spread the ideas of Allah, beginning the world-wide religion known as Islam. Although it met much resistance in the city of Mecca at first, the religion grew and Muhammad was seen as a prophet of Allah. After Muhammad’s death in 632 CE, all of his teachings were recorded in a book called the Qur’an, and the religion continued on to spread. Within 100 years of Muhammad's death, Islam had spread past the Middle East and went to other continents, such as, Africa, Asia, and Europe (Background Essay). Which begs the question, why did Islam spread so fast?…
Answer: Historical Turkey created a strong influence in the Islamic beliefs early on in its establishment. In addition to creating a religious backbone, the Turks had a very strong army that conquered many rivaling nations before, during, and after the time frame around that of the European Crusades. Lastly, the Turks were the only people who built the Ottoman empire, and influenced the long lasting rule that it had over the course on hundreds and thousands of years.…
ISLAMIC EXPANDTION early Islamic Empire expanded due to conquest. As stated from Al-Biladuri, “The Battle of the Yarmuk (636)” “Muslim forces took control of Syria in 636 CE when…
The devastation of the Black Death following hard on the heels of the Mongol destruction of Islam’s most important city and capital of the Abbasid Empire, Baghdad, eliminated Islam’s old political order. Nonetheless, these two catastrophes prepared the way for new Islamic states to emerge. Of these, the Ottoman, the Safavid, and the Mughal dynasties ultimately grew powerful enough to become empires themselves. The most powerful, the Ottoman Empire, occupied the pivotal area between Europe and Asia. They embraced a Sunni view of Islam, while adopting traditional Byzantine ways of governance and trying new ways of integrating the diverse peoples of their expanding territories.…
Islam is the second most largest religion because of its belief and the way it’s performed. Islam was created by Muhammad because of his preaches through the streets of Mecca during 610 A.D. People began to believe him and started practicing that religion. Throughout time they began to develop books which are now called the Sunnah, Qur’an, and the Ka’ba. Muhammad called his faith Islam which is how they got the name. Now the questions is, what were the main reasons why Islam spread so quickly throughout the world?…
Throughout the centuries, many empires have developed on the different continents of the Earth. All of these empires have experienced period of political, economic, and social success, as well as periods of decline. This is the case with the 3 Muslim empires: the Ottomans, the Safavids, and the Mughal. After the collapse of the Mongol Empire, the 3 kingdoms began to from across Asia: the Ottoman Empire in Asia Minor, the Safavid Empire in Persia, and the Mughal Empire in India. At their height, they covered nearly all of the Islamic World. Although all 3 empires have distinct differences, they also have many similarities.…
The Islamic civilization spread to encompass such an extensive empire because of the practices and methods that they used.…
The religion of Islam was able to spread by geographic means because trade routes and military campaigns connect its heartland to other areas in the Arabian Peninsula. Muhammad was the first Muslim. He was born in Mecca, a great trade city where the religion of Islam was born. Mecca lies in the center of the Arabian Peninsula and connects both land and sea routes to neighboring empires including the Byzantine Empire and the Persian Empire (A). Islam was able to spread by usage of these trade routes because Muslims could engage with the rest of the world through trade, spreading their ideas and values. Muslim merchants could communicate with others by speaking Arabic (272). A common language allows ideas, including those of Islam, to spread…
In 1516, the Ottoman Empire took over Syria. This signaled the beginning of the Ottoman’s rule over the Middle East. Damascus, Syria’s capital city, became the trading center for import and export of goods for the Mecca city in Saudi Arabia. Mecca then became a holy city for all Muslims because of the significance of the pilgrimages. This event is significant because it was when Syria was taken over by the Ottomans which caused the start of the Ottoman Empire and led to the declaration of the holy city of Mecca and the impact it had on Syria, like making Damascus the trading center.…