
The Scapegoat Research Paper

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Media is the Scapegoat for Today’s World

I do not believe that violence in video games, movies, and music affects the decisions of the people who play or watch them if they were raised right. I get very frustrated when people cannot take responsibility for their own actions. My whole life people have blamed the actions taken by people on some form of media. If this is true than it means I do not have free will, for the things I watch and interact with will shape the person I will become. That thought greatly disturbs me as I believe I have learned self control as I matured. I do not believe that just because I like scary and bloody video games that I will someday kill people and destroy cities. I believe that through learning and understanding
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That is all they are. If a parent doesn’t want their teenager to watch a certain movie or listen to a type of music, that is their decision. I know personally that if my mom said no I would still watch it at a friend’s house. This means my mother was not there to experience the events with me. She was not there to share her thoughts of points of view on the subject matter. Since she had stated she didn’t want me to watch it, I didn’t feel like talking about it after I came home. I felt like I would be in trouble so I just kept my thoughts inside. When I turned fifteen I explained this situation to my mother. Instead of being upset she asked me if there was anything rated mature that I wanted to watch. I ended up watching a very crazy movie called “Kids” with her. After that movie we were able to talk about the subject matter on an equal level. The movie is about a bunch of teenagers that are sexually active and one of them gets HIV. That person ends up spreading it to more than ten of his friends. After talking with my mother we had both came to an agreement that anything (except adult rated) I wanted to watch or play I could as long as she knew about it. If I watched it a friend’s house she would rent it and watch it also. This also gave us something to talk about even at that point in life when communication between parents and children virtually

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