From time to time people have been arguing about video games nowadays. Some are that they are a waste of time, ruining our social lives, and the big one DO VIDEO GAMES MAKE US VIOLENT IN REAL LIFE? From what I believe is that video games DO NOT make us violent in our lifetime.
From what I believe is that video games DO NOT make us violent in our lifetime. One out of the many people that agrees is the psychologist, Christopher Ferguson. Christopher Ferguson believes that video games do not make us violent in life. As he quoted, “Although there was some studies that find aggression, there also studies which find no evidence for any links at all.” So what he’s saying is that there were some studies that did show that aggression in people, but there also studies that showed that there wasn’t any …show more content…
evidence for any links at all.
Another person is the Supreme Court judge, Antonin Scalia. Scalia has pointed out that even fairy tales are violent for kids like the fairy tale, Hansel & Gretel. As he quoted, “for example, the children kill the witch by baking her in the oven, Certainly the books we give children to read- or read to them, when they are younger- contain no shortage of gore.” This means that even children books are violent and look at them they aren’t turning violent at all in there life time. The last piece of evidence that I have been an ordinary 16-year-old teenager named Evan Jones.
Evan Jones plays videos like any ordinary teen but, he quoted that he may get an adrenaline rush during the game, and a need to win, but later when he’s finished he feels fine. This means that all teenagers that play video games do not turn violent at all.
One out of the many people that disagrees with this argument is Melissa Henson from the Parent Television Council. From Henson’s point of view, she believes that video games make teenagers more violent than they are already are. As she quoted, “Prolonged exposure to violent images, such as violent video games, can result from in more aggressive behavior.” What she is saying is that violent video games should be banned then rather being played by teens since they have way too much violent and gory images which make them violent
As you can see, video games may, but all of the time may not affect your behavior in your lifetime at all. I believe video games help us stop the stress that we have from a hard day's work by soothing us. What do you believe that video games make us violent or