Kizzy Jones
SOC120: Introduction to Ethics and Social Responsibility
Daniel Beteta
December 17, 2012
Gay Marriage Gay marriages are a worldwide issue of should it be allowed or not in today’s societies and has been a topic for many years. Gay marriage is a marriage between two people of same sex or gender. There are states and countries that are against just as well as for same sex marriage. It has been a problem about whether same sex couples should be able to marry since 1971. It was later considered it was not legal for same sex marriage and tradition for marriage in the United States has been designed as legal commitment between a man and a woman. However, homosexual relationships are increasingly gaining the interest of acceptance in our country. Vermont was the first state to introduce civil unions in July of 2002, and the first state to legalize same sex marriage without being required to do so by court(Goodnough, A. 2009).Some states have considered a form of commitment called civil union; this is a form of relationship that is somewhat like a marriage ( Guide, 2012). Civil unions are legal contracts between partners that are recognized by a state or government as conferring all or some of the rights conferred by marriage, but without the implicit historical and religious meaning associated with the word “marriage”( Guide, 2012). They are not benefited any of the federal benefits of marriage such as social security. This is still a problem for some religious people in the world today who believe God made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve. Many politicians have said they are against gay marriage but they leave it up to the states to decide whether or not to support it. Several states have granted limited marriage benefits to gays but call them domestic partnerships. Society talks about how everyone should be treated fairly, because of rights and justice, but do not want to include homosexuals. Well it would be
References: Mosser, K (2010).Introduction to ethics and social responsibility, San Diego, Bridgepoint Education www.ashfordlibrary Hansen, V. Ethical Argument for legalizing gay marriage, (2012) Head, T. Marriage and Rights, (2012)