Mrs. Hoerth
English 1301 P78
March 2, 2014
The Secret Way to a Great Day
I love going to bed not knowing what to expect for the following day, it gives it an element of surprise and something to look forward. There’s nothing like the fun in awaiting tomorrow always with the expectation that it will be a good day. I can share with you what usually causes a good day for me. It always begins with a good night sleep, a great breakfast and staying positive that the day will bring you good vibes and viewing it as a stepping stone towards my lifetime goals.
Before having that mindset you must have had a good night’s rest, because in my case, it’s easy to throw off what could have become an excellent 24 hours into a morbid sunrise to sunset. Sack time is always my favorite time of the day. To ensure my eight hours of sleep is a guarantee that I will wake refreshed and ready to take on a new day with the desire to make it great. Try to not linger in your bed after the alarm goes off. Remember you are often at your freshest and most productive at the beginning of your day.
Never skip a good breakfast, and I don’t mean pick up a McGriddle type of stuff, give your body something that will fuel it with energy to keep you active and on top of your game ’till it’s time to unwind and rest your head on your pillow. Feed yourself with the same vitality you want to project. Good eats keep you healthy and beautiful. After all, a good boost in your self- esteem never fails to make your day, right? Nourishing your body with awesome food will raise your spirits, increase your efficiency, and keep you confident.
Set daily goals for yourself, keep them simple, like drop off that dry cleaning that has been sitting there for weeks, or make it a point to apply for a new job, the day breezes by once you begin checking things off your to-do list. Make the tasks as specific as possible and assign a time you plan to devote to it. It’s satisfying to know that my aiming